| CHAPTER 13 |

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Sunday arrived, and it was a bright, sunny day, perfectly reflecting your mood

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Sunday arrived, and it was a bright, sunny day, perfectly reflecting your mood.

Today was special — you were going to meet Hyun Sir after so long. The thought of seeing him brought a smile to your face, a sense of nostalgia filling your heart. You could already picture his warm, fatherly smile and hear his hearty laughter. The fact that he had personally invited you made it even more meaningful.

But there was also that nagging annoyance in the back of your mind — because you knew Namjoon would be there too. Just the thought of him was enough to dampen your excitement slightly.

Still, you refused to let that ruin your day. You chose something modest yet elegant to wear, wanting to make a good impression on Hyun Sir. As you headed downstairs, you took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering frustration and focus on the reunion with your favorite professor.

 As you headed downstairs, you took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering frustration and focus on the reunion with your favorite professor

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Your older brother had come home very late last night, so you knew he must be fast asleep by now. Still, you decided to take the risk of waking him up. You tiptoed down the hallway and carefully pushed open the door to his room, peeking inside. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the morning light slipping through the curtains.

Yoongi was sprawled across his bed, clearly exhausted, his hair messily covering part of his face. You hesitated for a moment, knowing how much he valued his sleep, especially after a long day. But today was different — you needed his advice, his support, or maybe just a quick word before heading out.

Quietly, you moved closer to the bed, wondering if this was a terrible idea to wake him up.

You glanced at Yoongi, noting how he looked even more intimidating with his bedhead and groggy expression. His obsession with black extended to every corner of his room, from the dark sheets to the black curtains that barely let the morning light in. Despite his sleepy demeanor, you knew the protective side of him would soon emerge.

"Oppa, I'm going to lunch," you said softly, already anticipating his reaction.

"Hmm... where and with whom?" Yoongi's eyes snapped open, and in an instant, he was sitting up, protective brother mode fully activated.

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