| CHAPTER 53 |

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"Is it paining a lot?" 

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"Is it paining a lot?" 

You had your eyes closed and was leaning back on the passenger seat of your brother's car... 

After having an eventful lunch, you guys were heading home now....

when you came back from the store, your demeanor was changed ...you were pissed and annoyed, angry 

For the reason, which only you knew 

The annoyance was so visible on your face that even Yoongi had to ask you what happened ...for which you only answered "I'm having a headache"

Yoongi hesitated to accept your reason, because the annoyance was clearly not from headache...

You guys bid farewell to your professor and sat in the car ....by the time when your car crossed the convenient store again .... you saw Namjoon 

He was still standing there looking straight in your eyes 

He was still standing there looking straight in your eyes 

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His eyes were soft while yours held a rage ...that glaring continued until .... you adverted your eyes and concentrated ahead on the busy road 

You needed to get your mind off him 

You let out a small 'hmm' when your older brother asked about your headache 

Yoongi sighed lightly and brought his right hand to your head, giving it a light squeeze

Opening your eyes, you saw him gently massaging your forehead while driving the car with his left hand

'It is not safe to drive like that'

You gently held his wrist and laced his fingers with yours settling them on your lap

 "Brother, drive first, then your special head massage" You sternly stated and clutched his hand 

"Hah! are you underestimating my multi-tasking?" He raised his eyebrows playfully ...and smirked 

"Yes" you answered monotonously and closed your eyes again

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