Chapter 7: Parents

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Y/n's pov:

My long awaited sleep was quickly interrupted by Ponyboy shaking me awake. Gently of course, considering the stitches and all.

"Hey, Y/n? You gotta get up! Your folks are probably worried sick about ya!" I wish. As he whispered this in my ear, I slowly sat up, and my mind registered where we were. My house. My driveway. My plan was to thank the guys, hug Pony goodbye, and sneak into the house. Hopefully my parents wouldn't hear me and just think I got home late. The pain was gone. It was all gone. The meds took care of that. But, my emotional pain was still there. I thought about it a lot. If those Socs would've killed me, my parents probably wouldn't notice till a week later. Till the house was dirty and there were beer cans everywhere. Till there was no food on the table cause my mother forgot to cook. Till they needed me for somethin. That's what it's come down to. Two-bit breaks me out of my thoughts.

"So.... are you leavin kid or what?" Everyone, including myself, laughed.

"C'mon." Ponyboy motioned his head toward my house, and started to carry me out. I could walk, I mean, seriously. I wasn't that weak anymore. I just had my arm around his shoulder for support. We had finally made it to the door.

"So....." he said.

"So......" I said back. He smiled at me.

"This is your place? It's a cute little house. Not far from mine." He pointed his finger across the street. I hadn't even realized. We were neighbors. I was wide eyed.

"Oh wow! Would ya look at that!" I was way more excited than I made it seem.

"Listen Ponyboy, I know I thanked you before, but I really do mean it. Thank you. And tell the guys I said thanks to them as well." he smiled.

"You got it Y/n. Y'know, we're always here. Across the street to be exact." I laughed. Stop. you just met him. That's weird. Can't you just be his friend?

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll see you around Ponyboy?"

"Definitely." I walked into the house, and to my surprise, the door was open. As I stepped inside, we gave each other a small wave and I shut the door. Everything was peaceful. The night was quiet. Not for long though. I was walking to my room. My father was passed out on the couch with beer cans all around him. He thought he could drink his problems away. He relies on alcohol. In the corner of my eye I see a light turn on. Oh no. I'm screwed.

"Where the hell have you been?" Oh, so now she wants to play mommy. All these years have passed and now she cares.

"Why would you care?" I shot back.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! Where have you been!?" Lie!

"I went to a movie! It's not that far from here! There, happy?"

"No! You go out all day, and I do all the work!" I started to get a headache.

"I don't care. You told me to take a while, so I did!" She had nothing to say to that. I couldn't listen to her anymore. Not listening to her, I walked to my room and slammed the door. I don't understand parents. My parents. I needed to change into my pajamas. As I was taking my shirt off, a small paper fell out of my pocket. I forgot about the pajamas really quickly. Confused, I picked it up and read it. It was from Ponyboy!

Hey Y/n! It was super cool meeting you today!


Hope to see you soon! Feel better!

                                                                    - Ponyboy Curtis

P.S. - The guys miss you already!

Slick Ponyboy. It honestly put me in a better mood. He must have slipped it in my pocket when I fell asleep in the car. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

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