Chapter 6: Hospital

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Y/n's pov:

"Ow!" I was crying in pain. Ponyboy offered to hold my hand to help me through the pain. I gladly took that opportunity. I bet his hand is broken at this point. The boys kindly took me to the hospital. The doctor had "assessed" me, and it turned out the wound was 7 inches long, and 2 inches deep. I ended up needing 42 stitches (a/n: I know that sounds like a lot, but according to Google, the average is 6 stitches per inch. Doctors don't come for me lol!). And yeah! That's where I'm at now. Best first day ever. Not. The boys watched as the doctor gave me the stitches. I couldn't even look at myself, but they weren't squeamish at all. Pony was the only one who looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He watched as my face crumpled up in pain multiple times. The doctor numbed me, but not much. It still hurts like hell. I could still feel everything.

"Ouch!!" I was trying to stay strong, but screw that at this point. I was crying already. Ponyboy noticed my distress. Again. This time it was different though.

"Hey, Y/n? Y/n look at me." His tone was soft, and I felt safe with him. I looked at him, wincing.

"Try to imagine the best things. When I'm in pain I always like to think about something I love." He was so sweet. I had met him only a few hours ago, and I was already falling for him. I focused on his features, before feeling a sharp pain again.

"God damnit!" I yell in frustration and pain. The doctor doesn't make it any better.

"Stay still Y/n, it won't hurt as much." I curse him under my breath. Darry notices this and subtly chuckles. Then I remember Ponyboy telling me to think of something I love. I wonder what he loves. I can't help myself.

"Hey Pony?" Another wince. More pain. My sight starts to go blurry. Hold on. For them.

"Wha-what do you, do you uh, think of?" I felt weak. But I looked at him. He looked at me. With tears in his eyes.

"Hm? Oh! I usually think of my parents." He looked down. Sodapop and Darry looked upset as well. Then it clicked. They were probably dead. As if Soda read my mind, he whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"They uh.... Died." I looked at Pony, but his tears were gone. At that moment I realized I wasn't the only one who was trying to stay strong.

"But," He continued.

"If that doesn't work, I'll think of something else I love."I gave him a slight smile.

"And that is....?"

"Sunsets." Aw. I smile even wider, and he smiles at me. And our "perfect" moment is interrupted. Once again. By the jerk we call a doctor.

"You're done. Forty-two stitches in total." Holy shit.

"I'm going to give you pain meds, and you will have to keep this patch on for a couple of days." He gave me some other medical advice, but it all went in one ear and out the other. He was talking to the gang, when I realized I was still holding Ponyboy's hand. But if he wasn't going to move, then neither was I. The doctor left the room about a minute later, and this sudden rush of nausea came over me. The boys started to file into the waiting room, but Ponyboy stayed with me, and noticed how green I looked.

"Ponyboy....." It's almost like he knew. He let go of my hand and ran to get a waste bucket. I vomited. A lot. Cute, right?

"Ponyboy?" He looked up at me.

"Thank you. For everything. For saving my ass out there. For taking me to the hospital. I don't know what I would do without you. Or the gang of course." We both let out a small chuckle at the last part of my "speech," if you will.

"Of course Y/n. I know we just met, but I really do care about you. And I know the gang does too. I mean, I would love to get to know you. I have a feeling you were meant to meet the gang. And me....." He blushed.

"The feelings mutual Pony." We both smiled at each other, before the gang came bursting into the room again. Dally started to talk first.

"Hey Pony, this has been fun and all, but we gotta get Y/n back to her folks. It's kinda gettin late." And then reality hit us. Me. We ended up leaving the hospital, and driving back to my house. On the way there, Ponyboy smiled at me and let me rest my head on his lap. It was about 2:00 in the morning. I ended up falling asleep. It was only a 20 minute drive anyway. I was exhausted from the day. It all hit me at once. Even though I was jumped on my first day in a new state, I possibly just made some lifelong friends that would always look out for me, and love me.


How was that one guys? A bit longer than the chapters, but hopefully it was good! Sorry if some or all of the medical facts/details were inaccurate, but if they are, feel free to tell me in the comments and I will fix them! Bye guys! Stay gold!

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