Chapa's Bad Day

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Chapa's Bad Day--

Chapa's Pov

Bose brushed my short black hair out of my face.


I smiled at him.


Bose kissed me passionately again. I pulled back blushing.

Chapa:"Bose, I'm tired..."

Bose:"L. Is for the way you look at me." Bose sang in his beautiful, perfect voice, that I couldn't resist when he urged me to sing with him.

Chapa:"O. Is for the only one I see." I sang back as I stared into his beautiful, sparkling, chocolate brown eyes.

Bose laughed at my joke.

Bose:"I love you." He kissed me again.

Chapa:"And I love you too-"

He tickled my stomach and made me jump.

Chapa:"Ah!" I said giggling.

Bose:"You're ticklish?" He said raising an eyebrow and smiling smugly at me. 

Then he nonchalantly scooted closer to me and pinned me down tickling me. 

Chapa:"No! Stop! Don't!" I said laughing.

Even I'll admit I'm SUPER ticklish.

I remember back when my big sister Cindy first discovered it when I was in 5th grade. And she still hangs it over my head.


*Waking up*

My alarm clock buzzed loudly at me. The clock bounced back and forth from the vibration of the alarm.

My eyes fluttered open and the sun shone in my eyes.

I glanced around putting my hand up to block the bright sun in my eyes.

I groaned in aggravation and rubbed my eyes. 

Chapa:"What time is it?" I peered at my clock as I pushed the sleep button.

Chapa:"Seven?!" Startled by the time, I fell out of bed.

The sheets twirled around me, tying me up. I pulled away from them and ran straight to my closet. 

I sighed as I opened my closet door and quickly grabbed the nearest t-shirt and hoodie. I put them on and made my way to the other side of the room.

I opened my underwear/socks drawer, picked out a pair of underwear and socks and put them on. I looked for my plaid pants but instead I pulled out a pair of pale blue skinny jeans.

Chapa:"Dang it..." I said as I put on the skinny jeans. I put on the t-shirt and hoodie. 

Then I realized something...

Cindy set me up!

Great...Just Great. 

I remember the time Cindy set Mika up, even if she looked really good, all that seemed a bit much. 

I looked sheepishly down at my clothing. It was a tight tee that said "Chapa" in cursive on my skinny stomach. The hoodie had the seams ripped. I took off my hoodie.

Chapa:"This is just great..." I said with a sigh. 

Cindy appeared in the bedroom doorway and laughed.

Cindy:"You look cute, though. I'm pretty sure Bose won't be able to take his eyes off of you today." Cindy smiled her devilish/seductive smile. The one she used on her boyfriend Ryan(Bose's older brother)or whenever she got in trouble. Which was A-LOT, and of course she would drag me into it as well. Though I happily enjoy tagging along.

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