Standing In The Pouring Rain

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC!

The rain poured and the thunder roared as the girl ran blindly through the rain. Her short black hair, damp from the rain, stuck to her face as she ran. Tears hidden by the downpour streamed down her cheeks from her beautiful brown eyes. She continued to run until her sobs and extertion left her gasping for air. She collapsed where she stood, too tired to get back up and continue on. She sat against the wall of the building she was near and pulled her knees up to her chest. She hugged them while she hung her head and continued to cry. She shook from the cold that had seeped in through her soaked clothes and from the sobs that still wracked her body.

Chapa:"Why?!" She cried out in anguish to the stormy night, her eyes lifted to the heavens. The only answer she received was another clap of thunder and then a bolt of lighting that lit up the sky. 

Chapa:"Why do I have to always be alone?!" She screamed. Tears still streamed down her face, as if they were as endless as the rain that fell from the sky. She did not know how long she sat there, but her tears eventually ceased as the rain continued.

As she looked around herself, she didn't spot her friends or their boyfriends anywhere. Guess she ran for quite a few minutes.

It all happened so quickly. All too fast.

All what she remembered was that stupid party that Mika dragged her with, saying she would have some fun at least. Yeah right...

Chapa's friend Mika did have fun. After Chapa and Mika came to the house party, hosted by some Victoria girl, Mika left Chapa there all alone when Mika walked over to her boyfriend Alex, who was standing at the other side of the room with Miles, Buddy, and Sissy. Chapa couldn't even tell if Mika and Alex fought or were making out.

To her guess, both of that.

Chapa soon regretted staying home, with her big sister Cindy, who had fallen sick with the flu just a few days ago, and even if she wanted to, she couldn't come. Fortunately she was staying at home with her boyfriend Ryan, who didn't want her to be left at home alone. Her little sister Sage was at a sleepover with her friends, her little sister Alanna was at a playdate with Ellis, and her parents were at work.

As soon as Victoria spotted Chapa, Victoria whispered something in her friend's ear, making her laugh. Chapa chewed down on her lip and tried to avoid their sharp glares. She hated that girl. She didn't know why, but she strongly disliked her. She was just a proper slut. She was changing her boyfriends like underwear.

And Chapa could swear, that even her showers lasted longer than Victoria's relationships.


She sighed and looked at Mika who was standing not too far away with a drink in her hand, while chatting with Alex. Nothing new.

But her gaze stopped on a tall boy, who was standing just a few centimeters away from their other friends. Chapa swallowed as she saw his signature blue outfit, and she could swear her heart skip a beat. Bose, her best friend from the early childhood stood there, totally alone. He laughed from time to time, possibly at the joke he heard from either Miles, Mika, Buddy, Sissy, or Alex. She didn't know if Bose noticed her presence at the party as well. Maybe she should take him by surprise and scare him...that wouldn't be too bad. 

Chapa smiled and decided to make her way towards her friends, but something, or better - someone, made her way towards them quicker. Chapa's breath was caught in her throat as she saw Victoria with a few of her friends starting to chat with Alex, Buddy, Miles and Bose.

Even a blind man could see a hint of jealousy on Mika's face as the platinum blonde girl started to talk with Alex in a flirty way. Mika quickly made it clear he belongs to her and to nobody else.

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