Angry Bose

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Up At the Man's Nest, Bose, Chapa, Miles, and Mika are sitting on the Man's Nest couch playing Go Fish.

Chapa:"Go fish!"

Bose:"GO Chapa!"

Chapa blushes.

Bose:"Good game everybody!"

Bose high fives Chapa, than Miles, than Mika, and than Cindy.

Bose:"Hey, my parents are away on a business trip and so the house is empty! I'm going to have a sleepover tonight Wanna come?"

Chapa:"Yeah sure buddy sounds fun!"

Cindy:"Totes agree! I'm in!"

Miles:"I'm down!"



Cindy and Chapa and Miles and Mika ask their parents if they could have a sleepover and their parents say yes.

Chapa, Miles, Mika and Cindy:"We called our parents and they say it's okay!"

Bose:"Awesome! Aw, this is going to be great guys! We could stay up till dawn and watch scary movies and eat popcorn and play board games and than we'll build a house of cards! And than we'll read some comic books!"

Bose:"I'm going home to get the house ready! See you guys later! Bye!"


Chapa:(In her head about Bose)"He is so cute!"

Miles and Mika:"Bye!"


Chapa, Miles and Mika give Cindy weird looks as they didn't understand the abbreviation.

Chapa, Miles, and Mika:"SYL?"

Cindy:"See you later!"

Chapa, Miles, and Mika all snap their fingers.

Chapa, Miles, and Mika:"Ah."

After Bose leaves, Chapa, Miles, and Mika turn to each other.

Chapa:"Bose is such a good sport and a great friend. We're so lucky to have him as a friend."

Mika:"Yeah. He may not be the sharpest tool in the toolbox but he's funny and is cheerful!"

Miles:"Yeah Bose is ALWAYS happy! In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him get mad."

Mika:"Yeah me neither."

Cindy:"Neither have I!"

Chapa:"Same but Bose is the only pure innocent thing left in this dirt hole of a world. Bose would NEVER get mad!"

Mika:"I bet Bose WOULD get mad!"

Chapa:"Well I bet you would lose that bet!"

Mika:"Well I bet you would--"

Miles:"Alright alright! I agree with Mika! People can get mad! Even Bose!"

Chapa:"Bose is the sweetest kid I'd ever known. He would NEVER get mad."

Cindy:"I agree with Chapa! Bose would NEVER get mad! He wouldn't even hurt a fly!"

Chapa:"Yeah exactly!"

Mika:"I bet you that during the sleepover I could get Bose mad(snaps her fingers)just like that!"

Chapa:"Nah(snaps her fingers)I doubt it! Because Bose is so sweet and kind and--"

Mika:"Blah, blah, blah!"

Chapa:"So it's a bet?"

Mika:"Yeah it's a bet."

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