4 - illegal human experimentation

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HYDRA Base. Sokovia, Eastern Europe.
3rd Person

Captain Rogers charges in knocking out an agent with his shield.

"Baron Strucker." he says. "HYDRA's number one thug."

"Technically i'm a thug for SHIELD." Strucker replies.

"Well, then technically you're unemployed."

"Where's Loki's Scepter?"

Strucker sighs. "Don't worry, I know when i'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

Wanda walks in secretly hiding behind a wall, followed by Archie creating a shield around the 2 of them.

"I'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation.' How many are there?"

Wanda uses her powers to knock Rogers on the ground while Archie protects them. The 2 of them then run behind the door and shut it. "We have a second and third enhanced. One female, One male. Do Not Engage." Rogers says over comms.

"You'll have to be faster than..." Strucker starts. Rogers cuts him off by kicking the shield off the ground and hitting strucker square in the face.


1st person.

Tony Stark wanders through the basement, eyes connected to the scepter.

"Thor, I got eyes on the prize." he says.

I slowly walk behind him waiting for him to stop.

Time for some mind games, I think. I use my powers to infiltrate his mind.

The time travels back to 2012. The Chiutauri Army won. Each and every one of the avengers except Tony Stark lay close to death in a pile of rubble.

"You could've saved us." mumbles Steve Rogers.

Tony looks up at the Chiutauri.

"Why didn't you do more?" he continues.

He snaps back out of the trance. Pietro runs in from behind me, placing a hand on my waist making sure I'm ok.

"He didn't hurt me, P. I'm fine." I whisper to him.

He goes to attack Stark but i hold my hand up to stop him.

"We're just going to let him take it?" he asks.

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