9 - do you?

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We had just finished the plan and are on our way to South Korea for a regeneration cradle that Stark was talking to Helen Cho about so we're headed to her. Me and Pietro are laying on a bed in a separate room on the jet with Ultron, Wanda, Archie, and the rest of Ultrons puppets.

Belova: "What if this doesn't end like it's supposed to? What if we lose someone?"

Maximoff, P.: "We won't, I promise."

Belova: "Do you?"

I look up at him, my chin resting on his chest.

Belova: "Are you sure this is the best idea?"

Maximoff, P.: "What do you mean?"

Belova: "I don't know, maybe being on a team with a manic robot and his killer puppets."

Maximoff, P.: "I get it doesn't sound completely ideal but if it'll keep me from losing you, or Wanda, or Arch, I'll take my chances."

Belova: "K. I'm gonna go talk to Archie."

I get up and walk out and I talk to Archie for a bit and he tells me the same thing Pietro did.

That was useless.

I know if i talked to Wanda she would either be worried as i am or she would say the same so there was no point in that either.

love of my life - pietro maximoff x reader - book oneWhere stories live. Discover now