8 - mind games

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Ultron: "If i have to."

Odinson: "Nobody has to break anything."

Ultron: "Clearly you've never made an omelet."

Stark: "He beat me by one second."

Ivanov: "Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr. Stark."

Maximoff, P.: "It's what? Comfortable?"

Ivanov: "Like old times?"

Stark: "This was never my life."

Rogers: "You four can still walk away from this."

Belova: "Oh, we will."

Rogers: "I know you've suffered."

Ultron: "Captain America. Gods righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but.."

Odinson: "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."

Ultron: "I think your confusing peace with quiet."

Stark: "Uh-huh. What's the vibrainium for?"

Ultron: "I'm glad you asked that, because i wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."

Ultron drags Tony towards him then quickly throws him backwards towards the wall, Stark gets up easily and the two of them fly off fighting each other.

Rogers and Thor start fighting off bots. After Rogers kills one of the bots, he heads straight for me but Pietro grabs me and Wanda and speeds off, leaving Archie. Once he drops me and Wanda he heads back to help Archie. Pietro speeds through Rogers and Thor knocking them both to the ground.

Klaue: "Shoot them."

Crew: "Which ones?"

Klaue: "All of them!"

People start shooting at me and Wanda and Pietro and Archie come speeding over, Archie forming a shield around us and firing back at the guards.

Thor throws his hammer across the ship, Pietro thinks this was interesting so he grabs it but the thought otherwise. I run down to where he got dragged.

Belova: "You ok?"

I start checking his face making sure nothing happened.

Maximoff, P.: "I'm fine, go"

Belova: "Ok, be helpful though."

Maximoff, P.: "In a minute."

Pietro starts to get up but captain rogers goes up and pushes him back down.

Rogers: "Stay down, kid."

Ultron: "It's time for some mind games."

He turns to me and Wanda.

Belova: "I'll handle Barton, Romanoff and Banner. You get Rogers and Odinson."

Maximoff, W.: "Got it."

Wanda goes up and uses her magic on Thor.

Rogers: "Thor, status."

Odinson: "The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."

With help from Pietro, Wanda uses her magic on Captain Rogers as well.

I've gotten Romanoff so far, her fear looked familiar though. As though I've seen it and I've been there.

Ultron: "This is going very well."

I creep up behind hawkeye about to get him down but he sticks an arrow that creates some sort of electric shock.

Barton: "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan."

Pietro speeds in and throws him off the spot he was perched and takes the arrow off my head. We run outside towards the boats. Archie sees us and starts running off as well to make sure i'm ok.

Maximoff, P.: "What can I do?"

Belova: "It hurts."

Ivanov: "I'm gonna kill him, you stay with her."

Belova: "No! I'm ok. I want to finish the plan. I want the big one."

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