10 - annihilation

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U-Gin Genetics Research Lab
Seoul, Korea

Ultron: "Scream, and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't."

Cho: "Do you expect a thank-you note?"

Ultron: "I expect you to know why."

Cho: "The cradle."

Dr. Cho on recording: "This is the next thing, Tony."

Ultron: "This is the next me."

Cho: "The regeneration cradle prints tissue. It can't build a living body."

Ultron: "It can. You can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant women, Helen. But we all have room to improve."

Ultron uses the scepter to put Dr Cho under his control.


Cho: "It's beautiful. The vibranium atoms aren't just compatible with the tissue cells, they're binding them. And SHIELD never even thought to.."

Ultron: "The most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a frisbee. Typical of humans. They scratch the surface and never think to look within."


Cho: "Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral matrix now."

Maximoff, W.: "I can read him."

Belova: "He's dreaming."

Cho: "I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultrons base consciousness. Informational noise. Soon..."

Ultron: "How soon? I'm not being pushy."

I walk up to the cradle drowning out Helen and Ultrons conversation, reading the body in the cradle.

A bomb, directly heading straight to earth, destroying it. That's been his plan the whole time.

I scream and back up towards Archie and Pietro while Wanda looks at me concerned. Pietro rushes over to me but Archie pushes him out of the way.

Archie holds my shaking figure, wondering what's wrong.

Belova: "How could you?"

Ultron: "How could I what?"

Belova: "You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world."

Ultron: "It will be better."

Ivanov: "When everyone is dead?"

Ultron: "That is not... The human race will have every opportunity to improve."

Maximoff, P.: "And if they don't?"

Belova: "You're a madman."

Ultron: "There we're more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, He's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak."

Wanda uses her powers to free Helen from Ultrons control.

Maximoff, P.: "And who decides who's weak?"

Ultron: "Life. Life always decides.
There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move."

Archie let's go of me and Pietro kisses the top of my head.

Cho: "That's not a problem."

Ultron groans in annoyance whilst knocking Cho onto the ground. Pietro grabs us and we run out to an alleyway.

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