Chapter 3

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The next morning, I wake up in my own bed with a giant headache wondering how I got here. There was one more thing that I couldn't explain, I was completely nude. I never usually slept without pyjamas.

I wrap myself in my blue satin night gown and made my way to the kitchen to make a much needed coffee. I wonder to the living room and sit on the couch. "Arghhh." Comes a growl from underneath me.
I shriek and spill my coffee . I turn to the couch to see what the source of the noise was.

I'm shocked but not surprised to see Calum underneath my green throw.
He looked so different from the last time we had hung out, he now had a blue buzz cut instead of his usual plush brown hair .
'Maybe Max was right maybe it was easy for me to go back to him.' I thought.

Calum stalked off to the bathroom to get dressed.
"What the fuck." I say to myself ,I drink the rest of my coffee before Calum enters the living room once again.

"You can see yourself out." I say trying to show that I wanted him to leave, although a big part of me wanted him to stay.
"Come on J , I want to talk." Calum said.

'So do I.' I thought.
"You lost the right to call me that years ago." I lash out.
"Jupiter please let me back in." He pleads.

"No I'm not gonna crawl back to you, not after what happened with Felicity." I shout.
"Oh come on I apologised years ago." Calum argues back his voice getting stronger.

"You can't apologise for a shattered heart , you broke me." I say ending the screaming match between the two of us.
Calum sulks away, I was mad at him for not fighting more.

I grab my ash tray from beside my window and a crate of cider from the fridge , I make my way back to bed.

Now not only had I lost Max my best friend but I'd lost Calum again. I had no regrets about what had happened last night, I craved for more. But I couldn't be with him not after what he had done. Then again I had stayed with the man 11 months after I had found out he had been all over another woman, but that was only because I thought I could fix it, fix us. Let's just say that wasn't a very magical Christmas.

The Alcohol and nicotine hits me and I drift off to sleep.


The next day, I drown my thoughts with loud music and house chores. I didn't want to think about going to work and facing Max. I didn't want to switch my phone on to see if I had 100 missed calls from Calum or 0 , both would crush me.

Later in the day I get bored of house chores. I switch on my phone to see that Calum had tried calling me many times. I had to resist calling him back.

Just as I had my finger hovering over the call back button , there was a knock at the door.

I throw my phone on the couch and run to open the door. Max stood on the other side. Tears stung in my eyes. I let him in, he hugs me tightly, I melt into him.

"I've been worried about you Jupiter." He says softly."I'm sorry about what I said at work the other day , I was out of order." He apologies.
"No Max you where right." I cry.
"What?"Max questions.
I explain to Max what happened at the party and the argument I had with Calum the morning after. Max wasn't mad he just held me as I cried tears of confusion.

"Whatever you decide to do next I'll be here for you this time." Max says.
"Thank you." I answer.

Max and I spend the rest of the evening watching old cartoons that took us back to when times where good.


It was time to get ready for another drab day at work, but today was a great day because it was car share Thursday so max met me in the parking lot of my apartment block.

We sang along to our shared playlist as I drove us to target.

Max received a text from our store manager, notifying us about a staff meeting .


"I'd like it if we kept our personal disputes to free time , we are seeing an increase of customer complaints about how our staff are coordinating themselves." Kasey our store manager says.

Max and I look at each other blushing.

"This also means no phones , ladies." Kasey adds.

I can't help but quietly chuckle to myself as Kasey looks over at Lilah and Rhys the so called popular girls.

Kasey dismisses us off to work.

Max and I talk to each other about how funny the girls faces looked when our boss had called them out.

"Jupiter." Someone shouts.
I whip around to see that it was Calum. I walk over to him and grab his arm dragging him to the side.

"Lower your voice." I hiss. "What are you doing here." I ask.
Did the man not realise that he was on the last leg of a worldwide tour and he could be recognised anywhere.

"I need to talk to you." He mumbles.
"Nows not the time." I reply , not only was I at work but I could very distinctively smell whiskey on his breath.

I was lucky that I was due my break I take Calum to the staff parking lot, light a cigarette and call Ashton.

"Hey Ash sorry to bother you but you're not by any chance missing a band member." I joke with my old friend.
"Indeed we are, is he with you?" Ashton asks.
"Yep." I answer.

I text Max to warn him that I might be late coming back, before putting my phone in my pocket. There was a silence not awkward but peaceful.

Calum walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, his warmth was comforting. Still we said nothing.

I looked into his deep brown eyes he looked into my eyes. His vision flitting from my eyes to my lips.

The inevitable happened his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was passionate and full of lust.

"Umm, am I interrupting something." I hear Ashton's voice.
I quickly pull away from Calum.
"Not at all." I reply.

I say good bye to the guys before going back to work.
I rush to Max to tell him what just happened.

"How romantic, kissing by the bins." Says Max his tone dripping in sarcasm.

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