Chapter 11

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It had been a week without any communication between Calum and I. I already missed him to the point it hurt. The only way to distract myself was to spend time with Max , his witty humour and smile kept me from going insane.

I had spent so much time with my childhood friend that I felt like I was being to imposing. I decide to text Max to get his opinion.

Jupiter: I'm sorry if I've been to much recently
Max: it's ok love I know you've been going through a tough time , it's been great to hang out.

Thank god Max was there to dispel the rumours my brain was making up.
I had just put my phone down when it buzzed again.

Luke: Hey Jupiter you seem distant wanna hang out
Jupiter: I'm sorry  I've been going through stuff , of course I'd love to hang out.
Luke: yeah I heard about you and Calum taking a break.

Luke and I planned to meet at the dog park next week. I'd missed petunia and her slobbery chops.

Right now, I had locked my phone away and light some candles I opened a book and started reading. I was consumed by the book that I hadn't noticed the sunset happening outside my window.

I set down the book and placed a vinyl on top of the turntable and played it , this was the only way to ignore my phone that would call insensibly all night. I blow out the candles and drift to sleep.

The next day , I'm looking at my closet trying to choose an outfit to go to the dog park. I finally decide on black ripped jeans, combat boots and a the cure t-shirt that came down to my knees. I raked my hair into a low ponytail and left it like that.

I leave my apartment and make my way down to my car. I let myself in and immediately plugged in my aux. Sad music that reminded me of my emo days seeped into the speakers.

As much as I try not to let the tears escape they start to flow down my cheeks. Every so often I blink so that my vision doesn't become blurred whilst I'm driving.
It had only been a week and a day why did I miss him like this, it felt like our relationship had ended for good.

I get to the dog park and turn off my engine. I flip the sun visor down and look in the small mirror at my blotchy red eyes. I quickly take my water bottle out of my bag and use it as an ice pack to cool my eyes. I didn't want Luke to know I had been crying.

I leave my car before locking it up.
I walk down the sandy path to the field.
Once I'm through the gate I see Luke sitting on a red and white stripy blanket that was frayed at the edges.

I walk over to him and sit down on the blanket.
"Hey Luke." I say enthusiastically, the outdoors was making me feel better.
"Hey Jupiter how are you?" Luke asks.
"I'm ok." I say truthfully. "Hello petunia." I add talking in a baby voice whilst scratching her head lovingly.
"She's missed Aunty Jupiter,haven't you love?" Luke asks the dog.
Petunia pants happily in response and comes over to sit on my lap.

We do our best to ignore the topic of mine and Calum's relationship, but to no avail.
"You and Calum are made for each other, I truly believe that." Luke says as he attached petunia's leash to her harness.
"I hope you're right , I really do." I respond getting up.

We walk back to the parking lot.
"Just don't distance yourself from us because you and Cal have fallen out ok." Luke says.
"Ok." I repeat.
We say our goodbyes.

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