Chapter 14

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The weekend eventually came along and max and I where getting ready for the party we had decided on an emerald green theme. I wore a crushed velvet skin tight dress paired with black patent stilettos. I splattered my face with neutral eyeshadow accented with sparkly green eyeliner and long lashes.

What felt like hours later we where finally ready to go. Max and I smartly ordered an Uber to get to Crystal and Michael's house, this was of course so that we could drink more than we should.

I was excited , Max and I hadn't gone to a party for awhile , I was also excited to see my beloved boyfriend that I hadn't seen in a week.

We get to our destination we say thank you to the Uber driver and tip him generously. Max knocks on the door,it opens to reveal Crystal in a purple dress her cotton candy pink hair falling just below her shoulders.
"Hello gorgeous." I greet her giving her a hug.
"Speak for yourself." She laughs.
We pull away and she greets Max with a hug.

The three of us move into the kitchen.
Crystal can't help but pour us both large vodka red bulls . We mingle with a large group in the room , talking to everyone that approaches us.

Suddenly, the crowd roared with excitement, I instinctively turned around.
I was greeted by the guys that this party was all about. Ashton, Luke , Micheal and Cal where stood smiling at everyone.
"Welcome back love." Crystal shouts over to her husband.
I'm snapped out of my trance and run over to Cal to give him a hug.
"Hey sweetheart." He says resting his chin on my head.

We party on into the night; talking, laughing dancing and a lot of drinking.
At the end of the night  Calum got us an Uber back to my place.

The next morning I wake up in my uncomfortable dress that was now digging into me , not only that but my head felt as though it had been split in two. I could smell bacon wafting from the kitchen.
"Calum." I call out in a quiet tone.
"You up love." He calls back.
He comes in bringing a coffee and box of aspirin.
"Thank you." I say taking his offerings.

Cal makes his way back to the kitchen to plate up our bacon sandwiches.  Once the pain killers had started to kick in I grab my laptop and fire up Netflix.

We ate our breakfast and caught up on Stranger things. I couldn't help but cuddle up to Cal.

After watching 6 episodes of stranger things I take a nap as Cal lays next to me tapping away on his phone.

Calum's pov
I was so excited Michael had just told the rest of the band when 5sos5 was going to be released and had sent us the singles in order of how they would appear. I couldn't wait to show J.
I get awoken by Calum kissing my cheek.
"I have something to show you." He whispers.
I sit up and rub my eyes.
Cal gives me his phone.

Micheal: The album is coming out on sept 23rd
19 Attachments
Luke: Smashing!!

"Holy cow that's amazing." I tell him.
He smiles broadly.
We had moved into the living room with mugs of coffee in hand. Calum connects his phone to my speakers.
The first song complete mess flooded through the speaker.
"Did you seriously base a song off of that tank top Luke used to wear?" I question.
"Well we didn't intend on that, the song was about how we felt when our significant others walked into the room . This was a song to tell you how I melt every time I see you." Calum says looking into my eyes so deeply that for a second I feel like he can see my soul.

"The whole tank top thing was a total coincidence." He adds.
"Well I love the actual idea behind it." I say.
The next song was easy for you to say.
I knew the meaning of the song right away but wanted Calum to confirm.

"This was one of the songs I helped write, it reminds me of why we broke up and how I had to go through the pain of having you hate me , the nostalgia was of our relationship the good, the bad and everything in between."  He says ,a tear trailing down his cheek.

We listen to the rest of the album,I stop pushing for the meanings of the songs.
Older comes on , I  can't help but hear the words and cry at the raw trueness of the lyrics. Calum holds me close burying his nose in my hair.

For legal reasons I wasn't aloud my own copy of the new album ,so I was as excited as the fans for this to come out so that I could download it.

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