Chapter 10

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Ashtons statement got mixed reviews but was luckily mostly positive, with people saying they forgave him and hoped he could forgive himself.
It looked as though he had started to he looked happier than I'd seen him since we had reconnected.

Right now, I was strapped up to a chair  In a pod , Max had his hand wrapped around  a cord counting down from 3.
I was shaking with nerves.
"1....." Max's voice  trailed off.

We where flung into orbit. The air stung my eyes and my heart thumped with adrenaline.
As much as this had been on both of our bucket lists since we where 10 I was not the adrenaline junkie I thought I was.
10 minutes later we where back on firm ground.
"Well good thing that's over and done with." Max says standing up.
He fell flat on his ass, it was hard for me not to laugh. He fake pouted but then started laughing himself.
"Don't worry it's very common for that to happen." Says the ride operator.

After a coffee at the owl Café it was time to say goodbye to Max.
"See you at work tomorrow ." I say.
"See you." He replies.

I get home and take my phone off of the charger and turn it on.
For the next 15 minutes it blows up with texts mostly from Cal.

Cal: Hey babe been trying to call you
Cal: hey lovely call me back
Cal: bruh is your phone ok

'Ugh' I thought to myself , all I wanted was to spend time with my best friend someone I had known since I was born.
I decided to ignore Calum's pleas for attention and make a coffee. I get cuddled up in blankets and watch water ship down my comfort film.
I must have fallen asleep just before the credits. I wake up and wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth.
"Evening sweetheart." Says a low voice next to me.
"SHIT." I squealed snapping my neck to see Calum sat next to me.
"What the hell are you doing here." I say frustrated.
"Checking you are ok , you seem to have forgotten how to use your phone." He says in a snarky tone.
"Don't get funny with me Calum , not everything is about you." I say getting more annoyed with the dark haired man ,as the blue was starting to grow out ,sitting at the end of my sofa.

" I never said it was." Calum mumbles.
"Well you act like it is." I say.  "God you've been so needy these past weeks." I add sternly.
"I'm sorry you feel that way." Calum says quietly.
"I think we should take a break." I say truthfully.
"A break -." He says,  but his voice trails away before he can say anything else .

We mutually agree on a break ,we didn't know how long but we thought it would be for the best.
After a long chat Calum left slamming my front door on his way out. A feeling of numbness quickly comes over me I do my best to go back to sleep. To no surprise I had a hard time getting into a deep sleep.

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