Chapter 19

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It was Christmas Day, Cal and the rest of the band had a half hour rehearsal for tomorrow's show. I woke up slowly in bed with a coffee and a croissant and a first edition of the picture of Dorian gray by Oscar Wilde , that had been left in the side dresser by the previous hotel guest.

A few chapters later I dropped my mug down next to the door for collection and went to meet everyone in the guest lounge. I greeted everyone before sitting close next to Calum to try and steal some body heat as it seemed that the hotel was being a bit stingy with their heating.

We gave out presents, max had brought me a scrap book that he had been making for the past year this was one of his many traditions. They where great to look at when we where hardcore drunk at 2am.
Crystal had brought me a crate of raspberry ripple cider , my favourite flavour that she had introduced me to many years ago.
Sierra bless her had made me a rope friendship bracelet and said that she hoped we could blossom into our new found friendship.

My favourite gift was from Cal , he had brought me a gold necklace that had the word forever across it.

Now it was time for the best part of Christmas , the dinner. We went to Lillie's Victorian establishment where we had a table booked.
We all piled our plates as much as we could.
The flavours melt in my mouth. By the end of the meal I was in a food coma.
"Dessert?" Cal asks me.
"Ugh go on then." I say not wanting to have FOMO later.

When the waiter came round to me I ordered a salted Carmel and double chocolate brownie.
It was beautiful in the moment but only contributed to the stomach ache that would eventually happen.

We had a few drinks before paying the bill.
We walked sluggishly back to the hotel.
Cal and I decide  to take a nap.

Later on.
Max: come to spa with me
Jupiter: sure

I uncurled myself from Calum before standing up and looking out of the window and seeing darkness. I couldn't believe we had been asleep for so long.

I grab my fluffy white slippers and matching robe and make my way to the elevator. I press the spa button and wait for the elevator to start sinking.

I meet with Max, unfortunately the massages had ended for the day so we decided on doing a few laps of the pool. We couldn't help racing the last lap, Max being the stronger swimmer won easily.
Max and I ended off our relaxation with bubbly in the hot tub.

"You rang Marge yet?" I ask referring to his mother.
"I did indeed, when we came back. She says merry Christmas." Max replies.
"Aww, merry Christmas Marge." I say into thin air.

"Hey." Crystal says coming up to us joined by Sierra.
"Looks like you guys had the same idea as us." Max says.
"Well we couldn't waste these amazing services , especially when we'll be back on the bus after the show tomorrow." Sierra says.
We all agree.

After a relaxing  chat in the hot tub we make our way back to our rooms.
"Have a good time at the spa, Sierra and Crystal where looking for you."  Cal  says.
"Yeah they met us there." I answer.

I dial my moms number.
"Merry Christmas mom." I say when she picks up. "Aah my lovely daughter that I only hear from once a year." She says.
"Sorry mom , I've been busy." I reply.
"I've heard Max told me you where back with that Calum boy. I thought you where sworn off him for good." Mom enlightens me.
"Well I found out that our break up was one big misunderstanding." I laugh.

"Jupiter - Jane if that man hurts you like he did last time he'll have me to answer to." She threatens.
"Oh god mom I know." I say the use of my full name made me shudder.

Me and my mother talk for what feels like hours.
"I'll talk to you soon I promise." I tell her.
"Well you better not wait until next Christmas that's for sure." She says before saying goodbye.

It was getting late so I decide to curl up next to an already sleeping Cal and drift off into a slumber.
The next evening after the last America show, Cal and I decided that we would go out for dinner just the two of us, something that hadn't happened because of being on tour. Max trusts me with his jeep, I don't know why he would.

We go to a cafe just outside of New York City central.
I order a cheese and ham panini and a large latte.
"You best be on your best behaviour Mr Hood." I say rather ominous.
"What why." Cal asks puzzled.
"I had a very interesting conversation with my mother last night, she threatened that you'd have to answer to her if you hurt me again." I say.

"Oh god , don't want to end up like poor John ." Cal  answers, referring to one of my high school boyfriends that's house got egged by my mother dearest after she had spotted him kissing another girl in the supermarket whilst she was buying the cheese that she had forgotten for the bolognaise.
"No you don't , I'm sure mom decreased the value of his dads house." I say seriously.

"Well I promise love , I will be on my best behaviour for you." Cal says.
"How did she even find out about us." He adds.
"Max told her." I reveal.
Cal raises his eyebrows in acknowledgment before filling his face with food.
We eat and talk for about an hour.

"We best get back to that bus." I say grabbing my jacket.
"Yes as much as we enjoyed that big hotel room I prefer the closeness of our small bunk bed, plus it smells of us and not posh hotel detergent." Cal tells me.
I laugh.
"But you'll be moving every few hours to take over driving to get us to the airport." I moan.

We got back tour bus. I was sat on the sofa watching the grinch on my iPad. Suddenly my stomach cramped up.
'Ouch what the fuck.' I think to myself.
I quickly pause my film and run to the bathroom. I collapse to my knees and hug the bowl. In seconds my panini comes back up.
"Babe you ok?" Crystal questions.
"Yeah probably just some dodgy food probably." I answer.
"I don't think a reaction would happen that fast." Micheal says appearing behind his wife.

"I just need to go to sleep." I say making my way to mine and Cals bunk.

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