Gen Z Hamilton

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Time: present (don't worry there will be plenty of historical ones)
Hamilton age: 16
Washington age: 43
Context: Hamilton has an internship and works for George Washington. He sometimes uses slang that confuses George. *they work in a regular office job setting, if you've seen The Office then you know what I mean*

3rd person narrative:
Alex Hamilton walks into George's office with a stack of papers for his boss. "Hello Alex, thanks for the papers. By the way, have you seen the new bagel shop right next to the office? It's amazing!" Alex shook his head. "No sir, but I might go there for lunch. By the way, those papers are the graphings from yesterday" (I don't know business talk so just go with that) "mhm. Thanks for printing those. Now, I'm a very busy man, and I need to get to work. Goodbye Alex." Alex quickly left the room. He asks a few people if they want coffee, and only got no's and a nasty glare from Thomas Jefferson. "Jesus Christ what's his deal? Maybe he SHOULD drink coffee to fix his rotten mood." Alex thought as he walked away. He just went to his cubicle.

Later that day

"I'm going to go get my lunch sir, do you want anything from anywhere?" He was determined to prove that he is capable of a real job, so when he turns 18 he can work a proper 9-5 like everyone else. "Umm, can I have an everything bagel with plain cream cheese from the new bagel shop? It's called-" he was cut off. "Sir, can I have a word with you?" It was Jefferson. "Yes, just a moment. It's called the little bagel place." Alex nodded and walked away. He could hear Jefferson begin to complain about him, and prayed Washington would say otherwise. His mother is hanging on a thread, but they can't afford a hospital visit, hence why Alex applied to work. He had $15 to get 2 bagels, and quickly in order to not upset Mr Washington. He ran in. The line wasn't too long, so quickly he ordered 2 everything bagels, one with salmon, one with plain cream cheese. As soon as he made it back up to the office, he saw Jefferson leaving Mr Washington's office with a smug little smile. Alex's appetite had immediately left. "Here sir, I got you a bagel. I wasn't sure if you wanted it toasted like you had this morning, but-" Washington held up his palm to Alex's face. "It's impressive that you noticed that. Now, care to join me for lunch? I have a matter I need to discuss with you" Alex wanted to vomit. "Y-yes sir." Washington smiled. 

Washington's POV:
Alex sat down at my larger table away from my desk. He seemed extremely nervous. I mean he always does, but now he seemed extremely on edge. He also ordered a bagel of his own, but didn't seem to touch it. I immediately dug into mine. "So Alexander, I received a complaint from Thomas this morning. Apparently you've been distracting him every morning. Is this true?" I saw a flash of panic in his eyes. I had no idea why he truly applied, but by the look on his face I immediately knew whatever he had said when I asked wasn't true.

Alex's POV:
"So Alexander, I received a complaint from Thomas this morning. Apparently you've been distracting him every morning. Is this true?" I felt dizzy. He called me by me full first name,a sign that I'm in trouble. I may be overreacting but my mother's life hangs in the balance. "I- I don't know what you mean sir. The only time I speak to Jeffer- I mean Thomas, is when I ask if anyone wants coffee" My shaky voice made it VERY unconvincing. "I see. I know you two aren't best friends, and I will believe you unless directly proven otherwise. Now eat your goddamn bagel PLEASE." I felt a huge wave of relief. I picked up the bagel and started eating. "Wow, this is bussin" I commented after I had chewed and swallowed the first bite. Washington looked extremely puzzled. "What? Bu- bustin?" I shook my head. "BuSSin. It's what you say when food tastes good." Washington rolled his eyes. Immediately I felt stupid. "I- I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to-" he interrupted me. "You're fine Alex. I just don't understand this new slang." I smiled comfortably. It felt nice to be able to finally breathe. "So, I'm going to go to my cubicle, Laf wanted me to print something." I said after I ate my bagel. "Have a good day sir" "you too Alex." I sighed and put on my earbuds while I walked to my cubicle.

Later that afternoon

5 o'clock. That's when most people clear out unless they have something that's absolutely top priority. I didn't, but I didn't want to go home. My mom's boyfriend is probably home. After I thought everyone left, I turned on a random playlist on my phone and played it without earbuds. I worked like that for about 20 minutes, occasionally jumping in the sing some words. Material Girl was playing when I heard another voice. "Alex why are you still- what is this music?" It was Mr Washington. Immediately I turned off the music. "Sir I- I printed those documents you sent me..." I stuttered. "Alex those are due in 2 weeks and it's 5:30. Now answer my question. What is that music?" I felt my face get hot. "Material girl by Sausy Santana..." I looked at the ground. "And you know every single word?" my head shot up. "I didn't even know I was singing sir, sorry" he chuckled. "No problem son. But what was that little hand thing you did?" he copied the material girl dance. "It- it's just what you do with this song." he laughed. "Ok, well go home alright? It's Saturday, go be a teenager. I nodded sadly. He didn't know that my only choice was to either get abused by my mom's boyfriend or go to the park until I know he's gone. I chose the park, and skateboarded there.

Alright!! That was my first one, tell me how you like it! All comments are appreciated, and I will be doing a little meet the author thing soon probably. I know that it's probably never gonna get seen but it might so yeah. Have a good day my dear readers! :D

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