Behind the diva | Thomas Jefferson

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Time: present
Thomas age: 26
George Washington age: 49
Context: Thomas Jefferson has body dysmorphia.

Thomas Jefferson's POV:
I woke up to my alarm clock, just like every day. I ate breakfast and did my hair just like every day. But today,  when I was looking in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice I had put on weight. Was I really that fat? I'm not eating lunch today, and I really shouldn't have had breakfast now that I think about it. Maybe I'll go as far as to skip dinner. I'm already huge.

At work, I worked straight through my lunch break. Mr Washington was going to be in my face for that.  Whatever, he acts like my dad. He's not my dad. Suddenly I heard knocking on my door. Speak of the devil. Of course Mr Washington is here.  "Hello Thomas, how are you doing?" Small talk. I hate small talk.  "I'm doing fine sir, you?"  "I'm doing fine, what are you working on?" I showed him my computer.  "It's that statistics report you wanted sir, I'm almost done." Washington smirked.  "Thomas, it's due in a month. Jeez, you're just like Alexander!" I took extreme offense to that! "Sir, with all due respect, and I mean that insincerely, I am no where near Alexander's level. Don't even try to put me on his level. I would never stoop that low."  Washington sighed.  "I didn't mean to offend you. I just find it amusing that- Thomas?"  "yes sir?" "why do you have facetune open on one tab and some photoshop thing on another?" Oh crap.  "I swear I wasn't messing around when I should've been working sir." "that's not what I'm worried about. Also, I originally came in here to tell you to eat lunch, but now I'm starting to connect some dots. What's going on Thomas?" "nothing is going on, sir, I'm just busy working, and I must've forgot. Okay is that all byyeee sir" I tried to hurry him out of the room.  "Thomas you gotta eat something, your brain won't function without it." "I ate breakfast this morning." I said, not taking my eyes away from typing my report.  "Thomas. That's enough. You need to eat something, I'm not saying it again."  "sir I... I'm not hungry. I'll eat later."  "Thomas, stop working for a minute and listen to me."  "sir I'm really involved with this right now." I hate hyperfocusing. "Thomas,  I'm being serious here." Mr Washington leaned over my shoulder and saved my report before turning off my computer.  "Sir I was working on that! I'm not eating lunch right now, I'm just not hungry! I'll eat tonight!" I yelled.  I shouldn't have yelled.  "Thomas Jefferson. You are eating lunch, I don't care. Why do you not want to eat?" I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I'm not hungry..." My voice trailed off. I hate when I do this. Where's my usual confidence? "Thomas, you need to tell me the truth. Why. Are. You. Not. Eating." "because I don't need anymore food..." I said slowly.  Washington's face softened. "Oh. Thomas you know you're amazing right? You're like a son to me, you have enough confidence to kill God, and I wish I had hair like yours. But you also need to eat something. It's just going to hurt you in the long run. Besides, if you get sick, who's going to pester Alexander?" I was crying by this point, but I laughed through tears. "When I die, I'm passing that job to Burr and Jemmy" We both laughed. "Here, you pick a place, I'll pay, and we'll get DoorDash. Okay?" I nodded,  wiped my tears,  and followed Washington into his office.
After lunch, Washington hugged me for like 5 minutes. He's an awesome dad.  Suddenly Alexander walked in.  "Hey da- THOMAS WHY ARE YOU HUGGING MY DAD! HE'S MY DAD NOT YOURS!" God that guy is a goddamn manchild.  "What, you jealous that I'm the favorite child?" Alexander flipped me off, but immediately stopped as soon as Washington noticed. I stood up and got my leftovers from lunch. As I was leaving, I smirked at Alexander.  "Byyee darlin" I whispered in his ear as I walked by. He looked PISSED.

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