I'm sorry | Jefferson

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Time: present
Jefferson age: 26
Washington age: 48
Context:  Thomas Jefferson is going through some family issues and needs Washingdads support, but Hamilton gets in the way.

TW: abuse, death, swearing

TJeffies POV:
I was woken up by someone knocking at my door. I quickly threw on a shirt and a bathrobe, before I ran downstairs and opened the door. It was my father.  "I- sir... what are you doing here?" he smirked. Your mother... she died." I know he's responsible. She seemed perfectly fine when I last spoke to her, on Tuesday. It's currently Friday.  "What happened?" I was shocked at how calm I was. I was standing next to my abuser and my mother's killer. "She tried to divorce me" he shrugged. I just now noticed how high he was. "I'm gonna go now, if you tell anyone about this you're joining her" he just walked away. As soon as he was gone, I shut the door and broke down crying. I lived alone in my own apartment, no one could hear me. Suddenly I heard my door open. I ignored it at first, too upset to move. Then I felt a familiar pain on my legs. My father was back. I quickly jumped up. "Weak bitch. Your mother was a useless sex toy anyway. Why should you care?" He decided to leave again, this time I locked my door. I knew I had to go to work again, so I ran to get ready.
I arrived at work, and got to my office without any interaction between anyone.  I got to work quickly to distract myself, and before I knew it, it was time for my lunch break. I worked straight through that. I just wanted to go home and let my feelings out. I was working so hard that I didn't even notice that George Washington was watching me work. He's your boss Thomas, what should you expect? I thought as I stood up to say hello.  "Hello Mr Washington, how are you?" he didn't answer. "Son, are your eyes ok? Are you alright? Your eyes are so bloodshot." I was caught. I didn't want to explain why I was crying.  "Son there's tissues all around you. You know you can talk to me, right?" I gave up. "I'm sorry, I just found out my mother passed today." My boss's face softened. "Oh my gosh Thomas... I'm so sorry about that. If you want to take today off then that's perfectly fine." I immediately shook my head and sat back down. "Okay, I just came to tell you that lunch break happened, make sure you eat something." I nodded and got back to work as he walked out.

4:25 o'clock

I decided I wanted coffee, and I doubt I'm getting any sleep tonight anyways so I got up and walked out to the coffee machine in the break room. Ugh, Hamilshit was there. Just ignore him today, if you don't talk to him he'll go away. He's not there, just move on with your coffee. I wish my thoughts prepared me more.   "Hey ThomASS. We're out of coffee by the way, I just took the last bit" he smirked. Just block him out. He's messing with you, see John Laurens just got it working. I just got a styrofoam coffee cup and started filling it with coffee. That's when I did something stupid. I wanted sugar, so I set my coffee cup down to get sugar packets, when I heard a noise from behind me. I thought nothing of it, maybe Hamilton farted. But when I turned around, there was a little foamy blob in my cup. Oh no. He didn't- that's nasty. "Alexander Hamilton. Did you just- did you just spit in my coffee?"  he turned around and flipped me off as he walked into his office. Just get a new coffee. It's fine, there's a whole machine full of it. I tossed the old cup, but that's when Alexander was finally right for once. We were out of coffee. "Yo Alexander!" I called out. He spun around, and after scanning the table, he cautiously walked over. As soon as he was in arms length, I made a huge mistake. I punched him, hard in the face. He was shorter, he can't even do anything. I was almost wrong. He punched me back. It barely felt like much, but it hurt enough for me to be angry. By now a small crowd had formed. This was bringing back memories from middle school. I punched him right in the nose, causing his nose to start bleeding. He aimed for my forehead, but I blocked him and got him right in the ear. He was knocked out. Oh no. Ohhh nooo. Washington will find out, you're fired. My thoughts were racing.  Suddenly Washington walked out of his office with Burr besides him. Of course Burr snitched. That little rat suckup- My thoughts were interrupted by Washington's angry voice. "What is the meaning of this?!" The crowd slowly fell apart. The people chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" had quickly died down. "Mr Jefferson? My office, now. Everyone else, back to work." I quickly walked into his office. I punched Hamilton. I punched him! Why am I not jumping up and down and cheering? I've wanted this my whole life.  I gave it some thought.  I had no answer. I should be happy. This has been my dream ever since I met him. I've zoned out in meetings while thinking about giving him a nosebleed. "Jefferson. Explain why Hamilton is knocked out on his office couch. Now." The calm in his voice was terrifying.  "He- he spit in my coffee sir..." I hung my head in shame. Saying it out loud, it really did sound stupid. "You know Jefferson, I don't think that's the only reason" I tried to think. Why else would I punch Hamilton? Even in my fantasies, I punch him for a reason. "I honestly don't know sir, he just made me too angry than I could handle I guess."  "Jefferson. I understand you're having a bad day?" I nodded. I didn't want to talk about my mother. "Do you possibly think that you punched him because you were already in a bad mood and needed to take it out on someone?" I looked down. I didn't think of that.  "I don't know- I mean maybe... I just think he did piss me off, and I might've had some pent up rage..." I let myself trail off. He nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, how did your mother die?" "I- it was- um-" my hands were shaking, and I felt myself almost stop breathing. "Sir I... I need water please." I felt dizzy.  He nodded and got up. Before he left he said something, but it sounded like he was under water. I pulled my knees to my chest and started crying. My father's voice echoed in my head. Weak bitch. Useless. Pussy. Stop crying and be a man. "Thomas. I need you to breathe, it's ok. I promise it's ok." I heard Washington's voice, gentle this time.  I pulled my head out from in between my knees and chest and wiped away my tears. There was a cup of water on the desk in front of me. I tried to drink, but my hands were shaking. Washington noticed and held it as I drank. "You don't need to talk about her, ok? I shouldn't have asked yet." Oh my god, he's probably angry.  "I'm so sorry, you're fine, if you want to know I'll tell you." that's when I remembered Hamilton.  "Umm... How's Hamilton doing? Is he ok?" Washington tried to hide a smile. "Yes, he's woken up, but he's really angry, so stay out of his way. And by the way, you're staying home tomorrow. You need to relax your mind." I didn't try to argue.  "By the way Mr Washington, I'm sorry about that freak out when you went to get water. I really shouldn't have cried, I'm 26 year-" he cut me off.  "Don't even try to apologize. Thomas, you're allowed to cry, regardless of age. I don't care if you want to cry on my shoulder tomorrow, I'm open to talk, or if you want to just be in here I don't care. I'm always open." I didn't try to hold in my tears.

The next day

I had apologized to Hamilton, who slapped me in the face, but still forgave me after finding out about my mother. He still didn't apologize though.
I spent the whole day with Washington, who was more than happy to just be there for me. I just told him that I didn't know how my mother died. Technically not a lie, but I definitely have an idea. As far as crying went, I did a few times. Washington was hugging me through every crying session. At 5, I had just finished crying, and was very tired. My eyes hurt, my lungs hurt, my throat hurt. I was half asleep when Washington got up to pack up, and as he walked away I mumbled "thanks dad..." before I felt my body just power off as I fell asleep.

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