Godfather | Hamilton

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Time: past
Hamilton age: 13
Washington age: 48
Context: When Alexander's mother dies, Washington becomes his father. Hamilton has never even been aware of Washington's existence and is suddenly living with him and his wife Martha.

Alexander POV:

Dead. My mother is dead. The words echoed through my mind as I walked from our- no, the house. It's not mine anymore. I can't bare to be in that house for another second. Mother had written a letter to a man a few days ago, I only knew he was coming to the house for something. How would father react? I knew he didn't care that mother was dead. James still doesn't know, and it's my job to tell him.  I'll think about that later.

5 hours later:
It's currently nine o'clock. I have to go back home, and I think father is going to be passed out drunk by now. I quietly opened the door, and immediately a bottle was smashed against my face.

Third person narrative:
Alexander didn't cry out in pain. In fact, he didn't make any noise at all. He was used to this treatment. His father dragged him by his hair into the house and onto the floor. He began kicking Alexander, and eventually pulled off his belt and started beating him. "It's your fault your mother died! It should've been you! Fucking disappointment of a son. I wish you were just dead. You're going to burn in hell, now that your mother is dead no one will ever love you!" His father screamed at Alexander.

Alexander pov:
I knew he was right. It should be me. After I was bleeding pretty badly and emotionally numb, he walked away. I just laid in my own blood for some time before I felt okay to move. I left the house again, this time I'll wait it out until morning.

The next morning I arrived back at the house. It was just as empty, it smelled the same, like Alcohol and death, but I heard talking.  My father was talking to another man, just as aggressively, just as rudely.  I walked into my kitchen to see him at the table across from some bald man. This man looked nothing like my father, or anyone on this island to be exact. He looked clean and put together. He doesn't look like the kind of man to beat his wife and kids, or to force himself onto other women in front of his wife. He looks like he has a wife that he treats with kindness. Then again, looks are deceiving for a reason.  "Oh, are you Alexander Hamilton?" I hate that last name lately.  "Yes sir" I bowed my head.  "Perfect. I was just talking to your father, as you can see." I nodded. How else do you respond to that? "Walk with me son" "I'm not your son..." I mumbled, but I've had enough pain for a bit so I just walked with him. We walked into our backyard, where we stayed for a while.  "So, Alexander. I know your mother hasn't mentioned me, but you were made aware I would be arriving around this time, yes?" this was the man in the letter? I guess so.  "Yes sir, she mentioned that she wrote you a letter to come here. I don't know why." He looked uncomfortable. God Alexander, you can't even make a grown man feel comfortable around you, and you're a 13 year old.  "I'm sorry for your loss. She wants you to... and yes, it is very soon to hear this, but she wants me to take you in. You'll have a much better life in America with me and my wife."  My mother knew she would die, right? That's what I'm getting from this. My legs felty shaky, and I felt dizzy.  "Son... You alright? Here, sit down." The man led me to a rock and sat me down.  "Here, I know it's a lot to process at once, just take a breath" I looked up at the man, hoping he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.  Unfortunately he did.  "Hey Alex, it's okay, just... Breathe for me alright. You're going to be fine son." I didn't have the breath to waste on correcting him. "I just realized that I never introduced myself. My name is George Washington." I still didn't trust myself to not vomit, so I closed my mouth as tight as possible and nodded.  After I had collected myself I stood up and we continued walking. He told me what would happen in America, and how he's technically adopting me.  I had no say in this, and for once, I wouldn't have it any other way. I wouldn't trust myself to make the right decision.

Two Years later:

George and Martha treated me like I was their child. I felt a little weird at first about replacing my mother, but I remembered she wanted this for me. She wouldn't want me avoiding these people because of her.

Two more Years later:
I was visiting my brother James in Nevis! Four Years ago, he had been barely able to care for himself, but he was old enough so he was left on his own. I can't way to see him! As I asked around, I was only laughed at. So eventually I make it to my town and saw... nothing. Ruins, some remains of my own house. Suddenly it all made sense. James hadn't answered my letters from a few months ago, everyone laughed when I tried to find him... No. No it can't be happening again. I felt sick to my stomach. Please no. Stop... I can't take this again. I felt tight arms around my shoulders, then I remembered George and Martha had came with me. Apparently I was too "irresponsible" to travel alone.  "I'm so, so sorry Honey... I really am" Martha whispered. I leaned against her chest, and George put a hand on my back and spoke. "Alexander... I'm also very sorry. I promise... Your brother is looking down and smiling because you're finally happy. It's all going to get better."  "thanks dad, and thanks mom..." I could barely feel myself say those words. I wanted to cry, but I felt empty and numb. I love my parents, but I want Jemmy. Why, why did he have to die. He was the best older brother in the world. I love him. So, so much.

Sorry for the sad ending, but I had to stop somewhere. Vote for this story and you will get a free hug from Martha and George.

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