Stowaway boy

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Time: 1784
Hamilton age: 10
Washington age: 36
Context: Hamilton sneaks on to Washington's ship to go to New York City and gets caught.

3rd person narrative:
Alexander was a very small boy. He was able to hide between men, and no one ever noticed him. Well that was about to change. He was going to New York City, and he was going to make a man of himself. He quickly got on the ship, and made it to a lower deck to explore secretly. There was one problem though. Alexander has never left Nevis, and had no idea what a boat was like. He didn't like it. As soon as it took off, he felt sick and wobbly. He had stolen a uniform to match the other men, and it was huge on him. It was only then that he realized that he had no plan. How would he sleep without being too noticeable? He had no idea how long it would take to get to New York City, but food was a small concern. Being caught would most likely mean being thrown overboard. He snuck around until he found an office. It was nice, aligned with books and an ink and quill. This is what Alexander wanted his house to look like when he arrived in the big city. He knew that he had to get out quickly, so he ran to an even lower deck. This had a lot of doors. Alexander decided not to explore every single one, and only opened the first one he saw. It was a room full of mattresses. Boring, but he chose to remember that for future reference. Suddenly him and another, older man made eye contact. Both of them knew Alexander shouldn't be there. Both of them bolted in the same direction, the stairs.

All Alexander could hear were angry footsteps and the occasional "stowaway brat! Catch him!". He finally saw a closet and quickly hid in there. The old man ran past him.

3 hours later

Alexander was not known for common sense, or thinking things through. So when he heard that "The General" had called for everyone on the ship to report to the top deck, Alexander thought, well it would help me blend in more. So he snuck into the emergency meeting.

Whoever the General was had everyone lined up in two straight lines. The lines faced each other. A tall, bald man walked in between the two lines. He looked like someone who could pick up Alexander with one hand and throw him off the ship. No one was speaking for about 5 minutes before bald man spoke. "I have been informed by someone that there is a stowaway. If any of you are NOT supposed to be here, now is your chance. I will not be so nice if you are caught." Alexander moved his hat so that the brim was way over his face, hopefully hiding his age. The bald guy walked up and down the aisle, scanning everyone. He stopped after seeing Alexander. "Ok, everyone back to work"  Alexander tried to take this as a chance to bolt, but the man had tightly gripped the front of Alexander's huge shirt. He squirmed and tried to get loose, but the look that bald dude gave him was enough to make him stop. After everyone cleared out, the man pulled Alexander below decks into the first room Alexander had been in; the office room. "Young man, do you have any idea what you have done? Do you know what is happening?" Alexander was suddenly unable to speak. He just shook his head.  "Young man, we are going to New York to fight. You can very easily be killed, even just on this boat. I don't want to know how or why you're here, but I might need to arrange an emergency stop to leave you somewhere, throwing off our entire battle plan. I hope you've enjoyed yourself." Alexander hung his head.  "I had no intention of being noticed sir, please do not worry about me. I can care for myself on this ship." Immediately Alexander knew that was the wrong thing to say.  The man stood up, and Alexander drew back. "Son, you look 9 years old. What are you doing on this ship?" "one, notcha son, and 2, I'm going to live in New York. Nevis is filled with horrors, I need a new start." This amused the General. "Son, I'll make a deal. You can have a private place to stay, as you are a child, and I'll take care of you until we get you into a proper family in the city. Deal?" Alexander wanted to yell that he isn't this man's "son", but this deal sounded sweet enough. So he accepted. "Yes sir, I would very much appreciate that. Thank you." The General smiled.
After leading Alexander to his own private room and invited him to dinner, General Washington smiled. He already dreaded the day his ship landed and Alexander was someone else's child.
15 minutes for dinnertime, Washington found Alexander's room. He was still checking out everything, just admiring the small details. It was very adorable until General Washington spoke. "Alexander, we should get going to the dining hall. We cannot be late." Alexander flinched at the sound of his voice, and spun his head around. "Oh sir I- alright." They stood up and walked to the dining hall. Washington led Alexander to a table with two seats. He sat in one, and instructed Alexander to sit in another. Alexander watched as The General ate his food. "Alex, you know you can eat too, right?" Alexander looked confused. Alex? You can eat eat- this was all too weird. He lifted up his hand to get a fork, but then a new challenge arose. There were 3 different forks. "Just work you way in from the outside." Washington had noticed his struggle. Alexander turned a light shade of pink, immediately feeling stupid and out of his element. He looked away from General Washington in shame as he ate. "So, tell me about yourself Alex." Alexander almost choked. He explained a little bit about himself, like how he likes writing.

Three weeks later
"Alexander Hamilton, you better have a good explanation for this!" Washington had caught Alexander messing around with some cannons on the ship. "Sir I- I just was curious, that's all..." he stared at the ground, hoping his oversized hat would cover his guilty face. "You could've seriously injured or even killed yourself. You are only ten years old and you do NOT have the strength of God, as you think." This pissed Alexander off. "Why do you care if I die! You're only getting rid of me in a week, I don't matter that much!" As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. Part of him expected Washington to list off reasons why he does in fact, not matter. The other part didn't know what to expect. General Washington sighed sadly. He felt horrible, he had contributed to Alexander feeling useless and unwanted. "Alex, do you not realize how much you do matter? If I didn't have you on this ship I would be devastated." Alexander blinked away tears. The General removed Alexander's hat to get a proper look at his face. It was ridden with guilt, shame, and fear, but most of all he can see his broken side. Alexander never spoke about his past to the General, but just by the fear in his eyes it was obviously ridden with loss and abuse. Washington couldn't take it anymore, and pulled him into a hug. At first Alexander thought it was an act of violence, so he squirmed to get out. But after a minute, he stopped fighting it and realized it was safe. He hugged back. Some small tears finally escaped. The general picked up Alexander and brought him into his office.  "I want you to stay on this couch all day, do not touch anything. I will come find you for suppertime." Alexander sighed. It was only 1:00, dinner was served at 6:00. After Washington left, he felt himself falling asleep.
When the general came to get Alexander, he found him sleeping and decided not to wake him. He carried him to his bedroom and layed him down. "Goodnight son." Washington smiled. "Good night father" he heard Alexander mumble as he closed the door.

Sorry this one was really long lmao

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