Cabinet tensions | Hamilton and Jefferson

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Time: past
Hamilton age: 27
Jefferson age: 28
Washington age: 50
Context: This is just based off of a meme I saw. Hamilton and Jefferson sit next to each other during a cabinet meeting and some stuff happens.
Tw: swearing

Hamilton POV:
I walked into the Cabinet Meeting, ready to say some nice stuff. There was one problem with these meetings. I was stuck with Jefferson. I hate him, he thinks he's so much better just because he's one year older. He's not any better than me. He always turns around in his seat and gets his giant hair in my face. Anyways, I walked in, and silently took my seat next to Jefferson.  "Ah Hamilton, why did you sit next to me? You think I want to smell your musty ass?" I sent him dagger glares. "Believe me if I could choose to not be around you then I would. Not everyone is as obsessed with you as you are." I clearly won. "Gentleman, the meeting hasn't even started. Control yourselves." Washington was now here. He sat in between Jefferson and I, and we both gave each other the stink eye. 

Halfway through the meeting, I felt a pain in my shin. Thomas was smirking at me. How did he even kick me with Washington in between us? Whatever. I flipped him off under the table, which caused him to bend my finger backwards until it almost broke. I gave him 5 tiny kicks in his ankle. He mouthed "I'm telling Washington" with a smirk. I kicked him again in the shins. He winced, causing Washington to give us both warning looks. We stopped for about 3 minutes before I felt something land on my leg. A tiny piece of paper. I opened it, it read, "you're face is dumb" I turned it over and wrote, "*your" and tossed it to him from behind Washington. Jefferson flipped me off, which got Washington's attention. He leaned and whispered something in Jefferson's ear.  Then he leaned over to me and whispered "meet me in my office after this meeting." I nodded, knowing how much trouble I'll be in. Jefferson flipped me off. I stuck my tongue out while flipping him off. He leaned behind me and stabbed me with a quill, getting ink on my suit. I grabbed the quill  and snapped it, then handed him the broken pieces with a smirk. That pissed him off. He scratched my cheek. I pulled his hair. Washington reached behind and grabbed my wrist, and wouldn't let go for the rest of the meeting.  Jefferson kept sticking his tongue out until Washington noticed and sent him a death glare.

After the meeting, Washington pulled us both into his office. I don't think he's ever been this pissed. "Sit down on those chairs. Both of you." We silently obeyed. He stood in front of us and stared us both down. "What was that?! You guys can't just act like adults for 1 hour? Honestly it's like I can't leave you alone before one of you guys start to murder each other! Honestly why do you guys hate each other- nope actually I don't even want to know." we both looked at our shoes. "Here's what we're going to do. Alexander, I want you to say something you DISlike about Thomas . And keep it mature." I looked Jefferson up and down. "You always think you're cooler than me just because you're one year older. There. That's one thing I don't like." Washington nodded. "Ok, now Thomas. Say something that you dislike about Alexander." oh boy.  "You think you're so important and you never shut your mouth. That's what I hate your dumb butt." "Okay very good. Now, I want Alexander to say something nice to Thomas." This could take a minute.  "Uhhh, I guess you have nice hair, even if you get it in my face to piss me off." I could see Jefferson hiding a smile. It wasn't funny, it was embarrassing to admit I found something about him decent.  "Now Thomas, say something nice about Alexander." I saw him looking me up and down before he exaggerated his "thinking face". I want to punch him.  "I guess if you stand at a certain distance you don't stink. Is that enough? I don't wanna boost your ego anymore than it already is."  Washington smiled. "You're both grounded by the way. I know you hate each other but try to act mature. Please." We both nodded before leaving. Suddenly Jefferson turned around and said,"hey, you were kidding about us getting grounded, right? Like you can't actually do that, we're both-" Washington cut him off. "You're both grounded. You guys won't admit it, but I'm like a father to both of you." Me and Jefferson both tried (and failed) to hide our smiles.

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