President's Son | Hamilton

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Time: Present

Hamilton age: 13

Washington age: 45

Context: *Pacify her by Melanie Martinez plays* 

This might be a little shorter than normal idk yet. 

Third person's pov:

Alexander was used to being pushed and shoved by the world, and school was no different, thanks to Thomas Jefferson. He had a whole squad of people that didn't like Jefferson, but hated Alexander, so they bonded over their mutual hatred for one boy. 

Alexander was walking down the hallway, just trying to avoid getting his ass beat by Jefferson's "I hate Hamilton" club. But, as always, he failed. "So, you thought you could avoid me? Not today, Hamilton." Jefferson said, shoving him into a locker. Looks like his Hamiluck was really acting up today. 

"Look, please just go away. I want to go to class." Alexander tried to shove Jefferson off him, but he was much shorter than his bully, so it really did nothing. "What, you want to call your President Daddy?" "Shut up. Get off me." Alexander was still struggling. "You're just mad that he adopted you to look good for the next election. He's probably going to get rid of you after he uses you to win anyways. You're a fucking charity case." Jefferson smirked. For some reason, that really struck a nerve with Alexander. Maybe it was the fact that he was doubting his father's ability to win the election, or maybe it was because deep down, Alexander knew he was probably right. Either way, he wasn't having it. 

"Fuck off Jefferson, at least I have a better father figure than you. You're just mad because your's doesn't even pretend to love you in front of the press." He said. Jefferson was so shocked that he  didn't even fight back when Alexander wiggled out of his grasp and walked away. 

Maybe Alexander had gone too far, but did Jefferson deserve it? No, Alexander eventually decided. He didn't deserve that. But it was too late to make apologies, because Alexander saw Principal King and Jefferson walking up to him after the final bell rang. Great. 

Alexander quickly hurried to leave the building and didn't look back. 

Dinner would be... interesting, to say the least.

"Alexander. Your school called." Washington said coldly as soon as he entered the car. Already? "Oh, cool. What'd they say?" Alexander wasn't sure why his first instinct was to play dumb, but he did it anyways. "You know exactly why, Alexander Hamilton-Washington." Alexander hated his last names sometimes, just another reminder of the fact that after Washington was done winning the election, he would probably dump him back in the Caribbean. 

"Why do you care?" Alexander snapped. "Because. It's my job, as your father-" "No, it's not!" Alexander interrupted. "What is your deal Alex? Look, you got in trouble, and we need to talk about it!" Washington was raising his voice higher and higher with every second, and it wasn't long before he started yelling. "Alexander I don't know what's wrong but you need to tell me, now!" Washington reasoned. Maybe if something was bothering his son, he could understand it better and go easier on him. 

"Nothing is bothering me, now leave me alone!" Alexander snapped back at his father. "Fine, but this isn't over, young man. We're still talking about this when we get home." Washington said sternly. "Whatever." Alexander huffed before turning away and facing the window. It wasn't fair that Jefferson got away with beating him up and all that, but the second Alexander said anything, he got in trouble. 

When they arrived home, Alexander went straight to his room and slammed the door behind him. The worst part of all this is that deep down, Alexander secretly believed everything Jefferson said, and after the upcoming election, he should probably say goodbye to his friends and start packing his bags. 

After a while of feeling like shit, Washington walked into Alexander's room. "What's bothering you, son?" He asked. "Why do you care? You're just another rich man adopting some poor island kid to look better to the public!" He snapped, not looking at Washington. But he connected the dots immediately. "Is that what kids at school told you?" He asked, sitting down next to him. "Yeah, but again, it doesn't matter." "Alexander. I was planning on adopting you before I even thought about running for president. Those kids don't understand what's really going on, and they're just jealous." He said. "Oh." Was all Alexander could get out. "What you did wasn't right, but I'm starting to think he may have a deserved it a tiny bit." Washington said with a smile. "Yeah he really did." Alexander wiped his tears and stood up. 

"Maybe you just apologize to him and move on?" Washington suggested. "But he bullies me every day! And he never, ever apologizes!" Alexander argued. "Well I'll tell the school that. Now what else does he tell you?" Washington asked, and Alexander allowed his father to pull him into a side hug. "He just said I was your charity case and stuff. And that after the election, you'd get rid of me. It's one of those things that, after hearing it from so many people, you start to believe it." He mumbled. "Wait, how many people say that?" "You should read what they say about you adopting me online. It's the same thing that Jefferson said." Alexander explained. "Wait, Thomas Jefferson is the one bullying you? He lives right over their in Monticello, I'm gonna go give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind!" Washington angrily stood up. "Dad! You- he's twelve!" Alexander yelled. 

That got Washington's attention. "What?" He asked. "N-nothing..." Alexander mumbled, realizing what he did and feeling really embarrassed. "I heard that. Come here." Washington said with a smile, pulling his son into a hug. "Stop- I didn't say anything- lemme go!" Alexander tried to wiggle out, but his father just held on. Finally he gave in and hugged him back. 

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