Halloween prep and Rogue Bludger

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It was not the beginning of October, and we were gathered in the library with our entire friend group.

"I have a splendid idea my darlings." I exclaimed.

"Oooh do tell our beautiful and benevolent Queen." Fred spurred me on.

"We should host a Halloween party in the Room of Requirement! Costumes and all!" I said with my face flushed from my excitement.

My friends were all immediately in and excited.

"How will we get the costumes though? Our parents definitely won't help with that. They'll say that's how muggles celebrate." Millie pondered.

"I've already got it taken care of mes chers. I wrote my mom and had her send me a catalog we can shop from and send in an order. We'll look through it together and pick out costumes. So you don't need to tell your parents. Just use the money they give you to order through the catalog. Oh shoot. I just realized it'll need muggle money. Ok, my parents can handle it. We'll send the order form to my parents with our money and have them order it with their muggle credit card. They'll then send the costumes to us. That'll work." I said while bouncing in my seat excitedly.

It was taking everything in my very being to discuss this quietly so Madame Pince doesn't shush us or kick us out.

"I can't ask my parents for money for that. I don't want to get a howler like Ron did. That would be so embarrassing. I'm already lucky that they were fine with me being in Slytherin, but I don't want to push the boundaries." Ginny said rather grimly.

"Don't worry ickle sister. Big brothers are here to save the day. With the help of our gracious Queen she's been marketing our products. We've been making a killing selling them. We can afford to buy costumes for you and ourselves." Fred said rather puffed up like a proud peacock.

"The important question. Who is invited." Draco stated rather than asking.

"Why everyone mon cher." I answered.

I've been rather endeared by the French lately as my friends were well aware.

"So the two weasels that I don't like can come?" Draco asked in disgust.

"Hey now the golden trio haven't been so bad this year. Especially Hermione she's calmed down a lot. Thank Merlin. But you are right about the elder weasel. He's about as fun as watching paint dry. So yeah, everyone is invited but maybe keep it on the downlow so that he doesn't know." I instructed while feeling slightly guilty about it.

But based off how grateful my Weasley friends appeared I felt less guilty about it. We spend the rest of our free time looking through the Halloween catalog and planning the party. The twins are old enough to go to Hogsmeade on those weekends when it's allowed. They'll be able to get needed supplies and drinks (for the older kids of course).

The rest of the week past heading into the weekend with our game versus Gryffindor. Flint's been on our arses about the game all week. Every time he saw us hanging with the Weasley twins he'd get upset and accuse us of conspiring. Meanwhile I was getting on him about playing a sincere game. I couldn't stand cheating. I wanted to win on merit and honestly we weren't going to win anyways. Our seeker wouldn't compare to Harry or ANY of them if we're being honest. Cedric and Cho could do circles around our seeker. I honestly hope for better next year. Our best hope for winning would be to for Flint, Theo, and myself to put up enough points that even if Harry caught the snitch it wouldn't matter.

The game began and you could hear Lee's usual antics though he wasn't biased when mentioning any of his Slytherin friends. He was only biased when he talked about anyone else on the Slytherin team.

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