Change is in the Air

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This summer has been a summer of change.  Everything is changing.  Our voices, bodies, magic, mental health, schooling, where we live, and who we're living with.  It's been a lot of change.

We left our coastal ancestral home because of the attack. We left our coastal safe house because it wasn't big enough.  We found a space in a rural area of Bulgaria surrounded by the woods and not near anywhere.  We believe it to be an abandoned muggle military camp.  We took over it and put up various family wardings, including especially the Black family, since that's definitely a strength of that blood line.  We used a muggleborn with electric knowledge to get the electricity in the place up and running again so we could arm it against muggles.  The death eaters won't be able to use muggles again to get past electric fencing.  Assuming they can even trace our location.

So, who all is living here?  Well, you have Moony, Padfoot, Reggie, and Harry, of course. The Krum family, along with other Bulgarian family friends. Fleur and her family. The Greengrass family, Neville and his gran, Tracey and Millie with their families, Pansy (disowned by her family), and a few other French alliances brought by Fleur's family.

What of the Weasely family?  As you can imagine, Molly wants nothing to do with us.  However, the twins told their older brothers everything, and they chose us in the race to save our way of life and muggles.  So both Charlie and Bill are here much to their mothers' dismay.  Even more to their mother's dismay?  Bill has found romance with Fleur, who is also still with Vik.  So, she has yet another child in a polyamorous relationship.  Charlie is finding love with one of my Bulgarian childhood friends, older sister, who will be joining his dragon habitat in Romania once this war is over. 

I mentioned mental health.  I mean, knowing you'll be abducted doesn't protect you from the traumatization that may occur.  I was tortured and watched a man die.  A shitty man, but still.  And I witnessed my mother's murder.  Do you really think I'm doing well?  I'm not.  At the beginning of summer, my mental healing appointments were every day.  No joke.  We're in the last month of summer, and I've finally been weaned down to once a week appointments with the mind healer.

My brother Blaise no longer sees one his healing is done. I'm so proud of him.  Other changes..bodies and voices?  Duh, we're teens.  Obviously, our voices and bodies are changing as we mature, but so is our magic.  Summer didn't mean lessons stopped.  Not when war is coming.

So that's how my summer has been so far.  I miss my twins.  I know I have my Reggie and my family.  But it doesn't make up for my twins.  All summer, when my cousin feels the temptation of darkness as he trains with my father to be on par with his evil half, he comes to me.  I'm his anchor to the sun.  But who keeps me in the sun?  My twins.

I'm sitting around a campfire with my friends, family, and Reggie when we see the adults running around. 

"Mum, what's going on?" Draco asked. 

"The death eaters just struck Azkaban and broke the death eaters who were locked up out.  Kamen and the other adult Bulgarians are on their way to prison where your father and the others are kept.  Draco, Theo, please sit for this." Narcissa requests softly.

Both boys sit as they stare at the woman with wide eyes.

"The Bulgarian ministry declared death sentences if this were to occur.   They refuse to give them more army members.  So Kamen and the others are going their to complete the death sentence." Narcissa explained.

"Father.." Draco starts but can't finish.

"Will perish." Narcissa finishes for him. 

We all sit quietly with Narcissa holding her son as I hold my brother.  It's been an hour when my father reappears with the Krum's and others.  Narcissa stands as they stare without words.  My father gives her a slow nod, and she almost collapses.  My father marches her and hugs her.  I know that means it was successful, and the death eaters that attacked us last summer are now dust in the wind.  Less men for Voldy.

I can feel relief flow through Theo. 

"I'm now the head of house." Theo whispers.

"Welcome to the club, brother." Blaise says as he joins our hug.

I then open my arm and drag Draco in.

"You're in my club.  The still got a parent left club." I said.

"Hey, why am I left out?  I'm the original member of no parents club!" Harry whines.

"This isn't a competition, Harold." Reggie said.

"Siriusly Prongslet." I teased.

"All right, kids.  It's time for a serious meeting." Kamen said.

"Hearing my name too much." Sirius said.

"Shush cousin."  Narcissa admonished.

"Right.  A group of that will include the Krum's, Sirius, Remus, Tom, and myself will be leaving for horcrux hunting. Narcissa finally worked things out with her older sister Andy.  So her sister's family will be joining. Cissy and Andy will be the ones taking care of you.  You mean Kat, Reggie, Harry, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy.  You'll be on your best behavior for them.  Am I understood?" Kamen asked sternly.

"Yes, Papa." I answered as everyone else echoed back with yes, sir.

"How about clothes shopping.  A lot of the kids here are continuing to grow." Narcissa mentioned.

"I'd rather no one leave to shop in towns.  I've heard word of scouts for Voldy.  Remember how I showed you ordering clothes through that fashion magazine?  Do that with the card I provided you.  And continue to order food from that village grocer over the phone." Kamen answered.

"Ok, that'll work." Narcissa said.

"When will you be leaving Papa?" I asked.

"In the morning love.  We weren't going to do this yet, but Voldy has moved up his timeline, so must we." Kamen answers.

"Please be careful, Papa." I whispered.

"Yes.  Please, my middle sister.  She... she's twisted.  I love her so but she is.  She's too lost.  Especially you, Sirius.  She'll especially gun for you.  I'd rather lose my sister than you because she's lost already anyway." Narcissa quietly said.

A patronus showed up to alert my father that the Black family has arrived at the gate.  Sirius as head had reinstated his cousin Andy to the Black family. Narcissa, Kamen, and Sirius left to greet the new guests.

Yes, this was a summer of change, and I suspect the changes will keep coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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