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Dream lives for adventure. Loves the thrill of it. And George knows just how much. Though he does find it slightly concerning the risks that he will take along that way. And that's exactly what George was thinking as he, Dream and their friends are running around the deck of Dream's ship, in the middle of the sea, in the middle of a raging thunderstorm that doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon.

"Can't you cast a spell to make it stop or something?" Dream asks me, having to yell over the clap of thunder.

"I can't make the storm disappear dumbass. I am honored you think I am that powerful though." I yell back to him. He sighs, seemingly defeated. I look out at his crew running around the deck. Some bailing water out of the ship, the rest are trying to fold up the sails and Dream is trying to steer the ship to make sure we are constantly moving and to try and keep the ship balanced, though I am not sure how well that is working out for him because while we haven't tipped over, by the way the ship is rocking violently from the constant waves crashing against the sides of the boat, I wouldn't be surprised if we did.

"I mean, I can put a barrier around the ship which would prevent water from getting on the ship and would make the waves hitting the boat a little bit less violent. I am just not sure how lo-"

"Great, do that," he cuts me off. I roll my eyes before tightening my hold of my staff. I shut my eyes and focus my energy into the staff. I feel the magic run through my body creating a tingly and burning feeling. I open my eyes and at the top of my staff, sure enough the blue gem around the size of a fist and held in by wood vines, is glowing and I am sure my eyes are glowing the same blue right now.

"Prōtegō obice," I say, the words flow easily and smoothly as I cast the simple spell. Though to anyone else it'd seem like anything but simple. It would seem like a jumble of sounds, even though there is meaning behind the words. Then I shut my eyes again and focus on the energy and where I want it. Since the ship is a large object, I open my mind, spreading the energy out. Once I feel the raindrops stop falling, I open my eyes again and sure enough there's a slight disorientation around the ship, the barrier. While I feel accomplished and proud to be the reason behind the crew's smiling faces, I feel myself slowly getting tired because as long as the spell is active, the staff will be dragging energy out of me and the blue gem will stay glowing.

"God, no matter how many times you do that it's still so fascinating and cool to watch. Like when your eyes go really blue, you look like a god or something. You could do that 1000 more times and I'd never get tired of watching." I turn to look at Dream who is staring at me in awe and I feel myself blush a little from the compliment, though I hate myself for it.

"Well if you don't watch where you're going you're going to kill us and you'll never get to see it again because there's a cluster of rocks right ahead." This snaps his head back to the rough sea searching frantically for the group of rocks I was talking about. "Dude I was just kidding," I slap my hand onto his shoulder as a small laugh leaves my mouth. "Though you should watch where you're going."

"Ha ha very funny George, you've got everyone laughing," he glares at me from the side but I can see he's fighting back a smile.

"Also you're welcome for helping," I add rolling my eyes.

"I don't need to thank you for that, that's just what friends do."

"Save their butts from drowning at sea. Yeah, pretty normal friend thing to do, don't you think?"

"I didn't mean it like that," he takes one hand off of the wheel to rub his temples.

"Well this is boring now, I am going to go talk to Sapnap," I state before turning to go and walk down the stairs to the deck.

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