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We finally reach land and before I know it we are off the boat and onto sand. Travelling into the forest that covers half of the island. We decided to send out me, Dream (obviously) Sapnap and Quackity. The less people the better. I remember back at the ship when Tommy was practically on hands and knees begging to come with us.

However, there's no way that anyone would let that happen so Tommy got left on the ship to pester Wilbur instead of us. Thank the gods for Wilbur or else I don't know if I would be able to make it through this trip without Wilbur to help keep Tommy out of trouble. Then suddenly, in the blink of an eye something green comes to slap me across the face. I sit out a leaf and hold my cheek.

"Shit George I'm so sorry I didn't mean to let that branch hit you are you alright?" Sapnap is quick to turn around and make sure I'm alright.

"Yeah just dandy," I say and push past Sapnap. I'm not that mad at him but he and Quackity have been bickering the whole time and complaining asking Dream how much farther we have. Quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of them starting to feel a headache and we haven't even made it probably halfway to where we need to get to. We continue walking, Dream leading the way with me now going next then followed by Sapnap and Quackity. Dream picks a leaf off of a nearby branch and starts to rip it apart as he walks.

"This is so stupid, can't Gogy just teleport us there using his magic." I roll my eyes, here goes Sapnap and his complaining again.

"No Sapnap, I don't have the power to teleport anything or anyone. We've been over this before."

"If you can't teleport, what's the point of having magic?" Sapnap groans. I suddenly stop and spin around.

"Listen Sapnap, if you don't want to keep walking, you're welcome to go back to the ship, it's a lot less farther than the pond." Sapnap who was slightly surprised by my outburst quickly recovers and highly considers my offer.

"Nah I'm good. You guys need someone big and strong in case anything goes wrong." As if to emphasise his point, he flexes his arms.

"Pretty sure that's what Dream is for," I say, turning back around and continuing walking.

"Ooh damn Sapnap, burnnn. He's not wrong though," Quackity says and I hear Dream snicker.

"You know what, I'm going back to the ship."

"Fine by me," I say as I step over an unusually large root.

"Quackity will you come with me back to the ship?" I hear Sapnap plead from behind me.

"No buddy, you're on your own," Quackity says.

"You're the worst friend ever. I wish Karl were here."

"Then why don't you go back to the ship to get him?"

"Will you come with me?" I can hear hope spark in Sapnaps voice.

"No," Quackity says and I can literally feel Sapnaps mood deflate.

"I hate you Quackity you're mean," Sapnap keeps complaining as if he were a five year old.

"Sapnap can you please shut up?" I say, agitated. This man is really pushing my limits right now.

"You're the one that started it, it's your fault."

"How is it my fault!?" I can hear my accent come out more in that sentence and I can tell that the next thing Sapnap is going to do is mock me.

"We're here," Dream simply says and thank god because Sapnap finally shuts up. I stop and look around. It has gotten darker and more humid. There's more mist than what is considered normal and it looks like something straight out of your nightmares.

We are standing close to a pond that could only be described more like a mud pond than anything. The plants around it clearly aren't thriving and there's only the sound of wind rustling tree branches and the occasional croak of a toad. Other than that, it's eerily quiet. Across the dead and ugly shit looking pond is a surprisingly nice looking, wooden, two story house. Seeing the house I feel a mixture of stress and a feeling of 'here we go again.' I sigh and we, extremely carefully, cross the wooden bridge that goes across the pond.

We arrive at the door and there's a moment where nobody knocks on the door and we all just look at eachother, before finally Quackity steps forward and quickly knocks before stepping back to his original spot in between slightly in front of Sapnap. From inside I hear something fall and then a very loud string of curse words wrapped in a thick accent.

The door is pulled open in a haste and there stands Davina. Or better known as Minx. Davina being the name of the legend and Minx having to take up the name of her great-great grandmother. Not on purpose, just apparently a lot of people believe Davina to be immortal. Her great-great grandmother is still very much alive, though just barely. So I guess the whole immortal thing isn't too far off.

"The fuck do you lot want?" She says her thick Irish accent makes her words blend together slightly. She's standing at the door, purple hair that has grown out and looks like a rat's nest on her head and she's clutching her foot. "Ahh Dreamie mate, back again I see." She smirks and drops her foot seemingly not in pain anymore. "Got some newcomers I see," she says as she inspects Quackity and Sapnap while they awkwardly stand there. I can see the regret in coming already flashing in their eyes. "Oh and you brought Gogy! Glad to see you again," she steps forward putting her arm around my neck and gives me a noogie.

"Could be happier to see you," I grumble as she lets go of me. I straighten up my back and take a deep breath but Minx's arm is soon across my shoulders again and she forcefully guides me inside.

"Follow me and we will talk after we've had something to drink, alright?." She slaps the door frame as she walks back inside, dragging me along by the neck, my staff banging into the walls. Her loud voice echoes in my ears and I can feel that headache back from when Sapnap and Quackity were arguing start to come back.

This is going to be a long hour.


I'm so sorry I actually feel so bad 😭😭

I ghosted you for a month and then come back with this chapter that is just barely 1K words and it isn't even proofread.

Anyways I hope you liked it, I know I certainly have a couple areas for improvement in general such as updating more often...

Love you all and remember to take care of yourselves <3

Also I'm so late but Dream face reveal??? *jaw on floor*

DNF is real (maybe)???

Okay okay sorry I'm done 😭

I'll try my best with faster updates :)

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