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"Please, take a seat. I will grab us all something to drink."

To say this is the most cluttered room I've ever seen would be an understatement. Random objects and plants are strewn across the room carelessly making it difficult to even see the couch. I try to shove some things off the couch but  suddenly stop when my hand becomes wet. I don't know what it is but I hold back a gag and instead do what I should have done in the first place and I use my staff to move everything off to the side not really caring where any of it lands since Minx doesn't seem to mind either.

Tentatively we all sit down on one of the couches. Me, Dream, Sapnap then Quackity in that order, squish onto the brown leathered couch.

I'm quite surprised it holds all of us seeing as it squeaks whenever someone moves and looks like it's older than all four of our ages combined. There's an unsettling silence that fills the room with the sound of bottles kinking in the background.

Holding two bottles and a couple glasses, Minx arrives back and sits on the couch opposite to us. "So what have all of you adventurers been up to since we last saw one another?" She asks as she fills our glasses with some kind of rum.

When we don't take a glass or answer her question she raises an eyebrow. "You alright there or did you all knock your head on something when walking in 'ere?" I flash her a smile.

"No, not at all, just tired. A long annoying hike up here from the beach." I take one of the glasses.

I don't chug back rum like there's no tomorrow unlike Sapnap or Quackity, even Dream on the off day, so when I take a sip I wince forcing it down. Now I remember why I don't drink this stuff. Everyone follows my lead and takes their drink.
"So, any interesting tales?" Minx asks.

"No not re-" I start before getting interrupted by Sapnap.

"There was one time when George almost got eaten by a shark." I grumble and drink a bit more. Of course Sapnap chose this story. I have given up trying to defend myself, I've had to do it too many times with the amount of times Sapnap has told this story.

"Now this is why you guys are the fucking best, go on," Minx says already intrigued.

I roll my eyes and grumble before slumping more in my seat. Sapnap goes on to tell of how I fell overboard and how a shark 'almost' ate me. He exaggerates a lot throughout the story.

However, I am willing to give up a bit of my dignity if it means Minx likes us more and is more likely to give us the map and for a cheaper price than usual. So I sit through the story for the hundredth time, listening to the laugh of Minx and the light giggles of Quackity and Dream because apparently the story never gets old.

By the end Minx is practically on the floor in her fit of giggles while wildily pointing at me trying to properly form words. I sit there with my arms crossed, patiently waiting for her to stop laughing like the good friend I am. Finally the laughter dies down, my headache slowly getting better having to not be filled with loud laughter.

"That's amazing. Best one yet," she says as she wipes tears from her eyes.

"It's really not that funny," I grumble slightly wondering if it actually is if it's caused Minx to literally cry.

"Awe, is Georgie Worgie pouting?" She says mockingly.

"Can you not?" I say a bit louder. I'm not actually mad, not really, but it's still slightly annoying.

"Aweee he isss," Minx stands up and I dread what's about to happen. She hugs me from the side and all I do is stiffen.

"Can we just leave the conversation please"

"Such a party pooper as always," she says, going back to her seat. "So tell me, what are you here for, because I know you are the type to come and share a couple stories and drinks with an old friend?"


Heyyyy long time no see. Here's my monthly update. It's shorter than most because I am changing a couple things that I hope will make my life easier bc it's hella busy 😍

so basically, I am going to make shorter chapters, but update more often. I'm trying to worry less about how I write bc I feel like there's a certain writing style I'm going for and yet not achieving and honestly it's a waste of my time and tiring. So idk if there's actually a change but I'm just going to worry about the length of my chapters and how it's written.

Imma be honest, I don't get how people can write such long chapters and I wish I had the attention span to be able to but I get tired of writing a chapter so quickly. I'm going to stop ranting, I hope you liked this chapter and if you don't like the changes I'm making deal w it.

Have a good day/night and remember to drink water bc it good for your body 😄

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