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"I vote we just take the map and leave." We are walking along the beach and in the past 15 minutes have collected only 11 seashells.

"I agree with Quackity," I butt in.

"Yeah but then we'd loose her trust and she'd murder us the next time we see her," Dream reasons.

"Easy solution, we just never see her again. I like that idea a lot," I say.

"I don't get why you hate her so much George. She's pretty cool."

"That's just because you two can make fun of me together Sapnap," I say.

"Ooh! I found one!" Quackity exclaims. We all stop and turn around and sure enough he's found a seashell. We decided we would cover the most land if we went two in front spaced out a couple metres between the water and tree line, and two behind the first pair in case they missed anything. We turn back around and continue walking feeling a bit better about having found another.

"Hey wait look ahead," I say.

"What, what is it?" Sapnap asks.

"I think there's a cluster of shells." I start running as fast as I could in the sand, not caring I missed any shells along the way. Sure enough, there's a cluster of shells and I can't help but smile.

"YO OUR LUCK IS AMAZING!" Sapnap exclaims and is about to run across them.

"Dude are you dumb or some shit? Don't step on them or they'll break."

"Woah, harsh language George," Dream says.

"I don't want to stay out here any longer than we have to." It's getting closer to mid-day meaning it's getting hotter out. I can start to feel sweat form along my hairline and we had taken off our coats a while ago.

"Okay but there has to be a solid 200 shells here guys. What are we waiting for?" Sapnap asks. That's when a problem occurs to me.

"How are we supposed to carry 100 shells back?" Sapnap, who already has his arms full, pauses.

"Shit you're right." We all kind of pause for a second.

"Jackets. I'll go back and get our jackets," Quackity says.

"I'm going with," Sapnap declares and with a flourish the two boys take off back down the beach.

"So now we wait I guess," I say and kick a bit of sand glancing at Dream from the side.

"Yeah I guess," he responds as a smile grows on his face. Suddenly I'm scared.

"What's the smile for?" Without responding he slowly approaches me. Now I'm terrified and slowly start to back away. "Dream?" 

That's when he tackles me and lifts me onto his shoulder. I feel my cheeks heat up and I'm panicking. Hitting fists onto his back as he turns around and starts walking towards the water. Realising what he's going to do I start screaming my lungs out in hopes of breaking his ear drums and I start wildly kicking my legs.

"Stop moving George," he chuckles as water starts to lap around his ankles. Despite it seeming like my efforts are doing nothing I continue pounding my fists onto his back not caring if it leaves bruises.

"I hate you!" I screech. "I." Hit. "Hate." Hit. "You." 

This time I swing my leg hoping to hit his leg but instead it hits somewhere else and before I know it we are both falling down towards the water. The cold water is suddenly all around me, shocking me. My clothes quickly soak it up and start pulling me down. But when my foot kicks against the bottom I realise it's shallow enough to stand. 

So planting both my feet under me. I push up and gasp for air, thankful to feel it fill my lungs. The water only goes up to the middle of my torso and I'm thankful I wasn't hurt after practically being flung into the water. I look at Dream who is holding his crotch and groaning.

"Dude you didn't have to kick me that hard."

"Well I didn't mean to. And you should be thanking me. Now you can't have children. Those things are a nuisance."

"Well what if I wanted kids," he pouts.

"Ugh, fine. I'm sorry for kicking your balls." He grins like the idiot he is.

"Now I get to splash you."


"I mean, it's only fair."

"No, no it is not. You just flung me into the water. Shallow water at that. I could have broken something."

"George. You're a man. You understand how much getting kicked in the crotch hurts. Let me at least splash you."


"Oh come on. You're already wet." I glare very intensely at him.

"Fi-" he doesn't let me finish before a wall of water hits me. It fills my nose leaving it burning. It takes a second for me to recover before wiping my eyes. "It went up my nose!" I screech before jumping onto him. 

I shove my hands into his shoulders and push him down into the water. I hold him down for a couple of seconds before letting him come up for air. Immediately he picks me up and throws me back into the water. So while I'm under the water I grab a fistfull of the rocky sand and chuck it at him. 

Then I sprint back to the shore. I get halfway there before my run slows down into a walk, the water making it difficult to run in. But panic fills me as I hear splashing behind me. I don't have time to look to see how far Dream is before I'm being shoved back under the water.

"Please, Dream stop, I surrender. Please just stop," I beg, coming up for air. I hear his familiar wheeze as I drag myself back to the shore absolutely exhausted. 


I was supposed to update this last week 😍 I'm so sorry, I kept on forgetting. Anyways, here it finally is :) 

Hope it was at least okay and I hope you had a great day/night.

Love you all <3

Also I was looking for pictures for this chapter and I found this one. Currently sobbing.


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