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While I don't know the exact amount of days it's been, guessing by how often the light in the hallway dims and rises back up it's been about two. 

Dream and I both fell asleep and woke up with food one sun dip ago. It was a full plate, one for each of us. But they haven't given us food since and we're starting to get hungry again.

We've done lots of things to pass the time. Like play games and talk. 

Like a lot, there's a lot of talking. 

And there's not much else to do other than those things except for counting the minutes as they pass and we quickly got off track when we did that. We also sleep quite a bit. 

But by now we're both really sore and our injuries are probably infected by now and sleep doesn't seem as appealing as it used to.

I wake up and it's dark down the hallway in front of the cell. Dream has one arm draped over me and I'm pulled close to his chest. It's been cold and uncomfortable so I don't question the action too much though I can't help but blush as my heart stutters each time we wake up like this.

On the floor lay two plates of food and I jump up rushing over to them, full of energy suddenly despite my seemingly depressed and somber state recently.

There's vegetables and a bit of meat along with a glass of water. I down all my water and start shoving the food into my mouth, finished in a minute tops. 

Walking back over to Dream I wake him up by shaking his shoulder, handing him his food and loving the way his eyes light up at the sight. 

There's a bit of an awkward silence as he eats but there's been quite a bit of silence over the past couple of days during our captivity this isn't anything different.

"So what's on schedule for today captain Dream?" He sets his plate aside, neatly on top of mine.

"Well first I was thinking we could count the perimeter of the room using a boot this time, while simultaneously inventing a new unit of measurement, 'George boots'. Then we would figure out the area of the cell and after that maybe grab some ice cream and share a kiss under the stars."

"That sounds lovely and like a pretty packed schedule." 

It's a joke. All of it is. And I know it, he knows it. 

He didn't mean any of it, especially that last sentence.

"Even the part where we kiss?"

"Come on, you were joking about that. You know it."

"And what if I wasn't. Then what?" He turns to face me. A challenging smirk and daring look in his eyes. I look away.

"I don't know. I'm sure Sapanp would take you up on it."

"But what if I wanted you to. Not Sapnap. You." 

I look back at him and he's leaned forward slightly. Eyes hazy as if deep in thought.

"Come on Dream, I'm not kissing you." And I wouldn't. At least not here in this musty cell. The statement makes Dream lean back.

"It'd fill some time for us too, you know. Though with the schedule we're really crammed so we'd have to find some room to squeeze it in." 

I don't laugh. I'm not in the mood to laugh. Right now I'm trying to figure out how much Dream actually means when he says he's going to kiss me. 

I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to react if he does.

I'm freaking out is what I'm trying to say. 

The silence however, is too uncomfortable and I bring myself to say something, anything, to make it stop.

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