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Eventually I run out of energy, we're further away from the storm front but we're just delaying the inevitable.

The lightning flashing throughout the clouds in the distance, revealing the dark layers, depth and height of the clouds is entrancing and mesmerising to watch.

"How bad do you think the storm will be?" I ask, knowing that Dream doesn't know any more than I do.

"Do you want an honest answer?" I think for a second.


"I think that we'll be alright." And the words are comforting to hear despite them being a lie.

There's more silence, the light, distant deep rumble of thunder being the only sound along with the oars that dip in and out of the water as Dream continues to row.

All we can do is wait.

The rain is the worst part.

At first it was alright. A little cold but eventually it got to a point where I didn't care that I could feel puddles forming in the bottoms of my boots.

If anything, it was refreshing.

The dirt and grime, both metaphorical and physical, from the cell washed off my body and I felt clean.

But the rain didn't stop.

The light from the moon was non-existent, the only light being the lightning that would strike way too often for my liking.

Dream and I are huddled on a bench, the bottom of the boat slowly filling up with water from the rain and from the waves that rock us back and forth, more aggressively than earlier, spilling over the edges into our raft.

It makes me surprised that the old little wooden boat has even lasted this long.

And so the rain gets worse.

It's never ending, not helping with my vision.

My bones shake of coldness, harsh fat drops of rain not helping as they pelt Dream and I.

I shut my eyes, clinging onto Dream for life as I pray for all of this to be over. I shiver from the cold and if we get out of this somehow, I know I'll have a nasty cold.

I'm also sure I'll ever be able to love the ocean the same way.

I swear to myself right then and there that this is the last adventure I'm ever going on. I don't let myself think that it could quite literally be the last adventure I ever go on.

For the first while into the storm we were sheltered by a shield I'd made, and it was peaceful, but too quickly I got tired, and it wasn't even the worst part of the storm.

But I'm shaken to my bones, sick and tired, and needing a break so I summon any strength left in me so I can even just momentarily make the rain stop around us.

I clutch the wood woven rod by my side, my knuckles turning more red than before from the cold and rain and I open my eyes in what feels like forever.

Water slides along the small barrier I've made around us, the rain hitting that instead of my soaked body. I take a moment to breathe and from inside this tiny bubble it all seems peaceful.

Then I take a moment to look at Dream.

He looks just as tired and worn out as I feel.

He won't stop shivering, pulling me closer to him for the extra source of warmth. His teeth chatter and just the sound makes me shiver.

Our clothes have soaked through and stick uncomfortably to us.

And through it all the sound of rain is nice, like rain hitting against a roof and I feel that I have enough energy to last an hour, especially since the shield is so small.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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