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After eating the very nice meal Fundy ever so kindly brought down for Dream, I go back to reading. On the last couple of pages of the book the word 'Macadaina' pops up. Trying to not get too hopeful I stop skimming through the page and thoroughly read it. 

But again, not to my surprise, there's nothing useful. 

I finish the book and chuck it across the room in anger not caring if I damaged anything. Groaning, I slump backwards in the chair, leaning into Dream's warm body that gives me a little comfort and calmness during my current mental state full of anger. 

Taking a deep breath in, I rub my eyes trying to soothe the incoming headache that I feel coming. Patches, who had taken cover under the desk during my moment of anger and book throwing, now jumps up onto my lap, curling into a ball and snuggling against me. Feeling perfectly content with where I am, I shut my eyes hoping to rest them for a bit.


I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until I wake up to something moving under me. I rub my eyes as they adjust to the sunlight streaming in through the windows behind me. Though this action disrupts Patches and she jumps off my lap running across the room to her own bed, off in Dream's room, which is through the door on the right of me. 

I frown at her disappearance before relaxing again, feeling content and comfortable where I am. But then that reminds me where I am and I slowly try to stand up. But the arms that were previously lax, laying gently on my lap, tighten around me. I freeze up and then they slowly pull me back into the seat. 

Not sure how to react, I ask a simple question.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Why're you on my lap?" His forehead is pressed against my back and I can slightly feel the vibrations from talking as they run across my back. That mixed with the fact that he just woke up and his voice is a lot deeper than usual, has an effect on me. His voice travels through me all the way down to my feet making me feel warm all throughout my body. Light butterflies appear in my stomach and I feel my cheeks heat up a bit as well.

"Oh um, right sorry about that I'll get up," I go to lift myself out of the chair, admittedly, very reluctantly, but Dream doesn't let me go anywhere and I don't try to fight against it.

"Mhm no it's alright, you're comfy." He rests his cheek on my back and I have no clue how to react to this situation. I take in a deep breath before slowly resting my hands on top of his, not sure if at any moment he'd change his mind. "So why are you here again?" Dream mumbles sleep still lightly strung through his voice.

"Um well," focus on what you're saying George, focus. "I read through all the books, found nothing and yours was the last one. So I tried to grab it and you grabbed onto my arm and I didn't want to wake you up so I just-well yeah." Silence settles over us and I find it a bit uncomfortable. Unsure if what I did was okay and a valuable excuse and that I didn't come across like I was looking for the smallest reason to sit on his lap. 

Which obviously, I wasn't.

"So did you find something in the book?" Dream asks and since his cheek is pressed against my back, I feel his voice vibrate across my back and it soothes me a little bit.

"No," my voice quiets a bit when answering the question, mostly from shame in the fact that my plan didn't work but also worried about his reaction. 

The silence that fills the room is even more uncomfortable than before. 

The only noise is the muffled yelling from above deck and the sound of boots on the wood above us. I let the silence sit for a little longer before speaking up. "It's alright Dream, I promise I'll think of something. We will find the map-"

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