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When we reach the top of the crow's nest the wind hits me like a slap in the face. But the view might hit me harder.

"Wow." It's been a while since I've been up here and I don't know why I don't come up here more often, the view being forgotten from my mind. For miles there's nothing but beautiful dark blue sea with splashes of white that appear and then roll along with the rest of the water, disappearing. 

As I'm scanning the sea, tanned skin and green eyes interrupt my sight seeing and I realise that Dream's staring. Though he does that a lot so I simply smile at him and take the telescope from his hands, grinning and then bringing it up to my face. I feel like a child again, excited over such a small thing like a telescope, entranced by any new thing I come across.

There isn't really anything to look at except for birds and the horizon. I pull it away and turn to Dream, a large smile bright on my face. "Dream you have to look, it's so cool." I shove the telescope back into his large hands and he laughs.

"George, I've used a telescope before."

"Yeah I know idiot, So have I. But it's cool, try it."

"Fine. I'll try the telescope. You're like a five year old."

"That's probably why Tommy's up here all the time then." Dream just smiles before he brings the telescope up to his face, looking all around us and I can't help but watch as if some eager child. But then Dream's smile disappears. "What is it Dream? Am I not funny? Have I lost my sense of humour? Quick, get me a doctor." I say it jokingly but Dream doesn't respond and instead shoves the telescope back into my hands.

"There's a ship George."

"What?" Dream turns around and starts climbing back down the ladder.
"A ship is heading right for us George. Port side." The wind whips at us as we climb down, as if excited and anxious for the promise of a fight. Excited for the adrenaline rush and the clashing of swords. 

Dream jumps down onto the deck, the soles of his shoes making a thud as he lands on the hollow wood. Immediately he starts shouting out orders, crew members walking out from doors, dropping whatever card game they were playing and rushing off.

The ship in a matter of moments is sent into distress and a rush. People fly across the deck, some rushing under deck to load the cannons, others running out from the lower deck, bringing out guns and gunpowder. Swords are latched onto hips, ready to use. 

In a flash I'm running downstairs back to my room to grab my staff. Once I emerge back to above deck the ship is close enough that I can see the other pirates' faces on the ship. 

In my honest opinion, we had enough time and speed to outrun the ship, it was that concerning want for danger and adventure constantly coursing through Dream's veins that caused him to do the opposite of run the opposite way. The safer option.

So that's how I find the deck crowded with a mix of swords, the sound of clanging metal becoming a constant ringing in my ear. I'm currently caught standing by the wheel, able to overlook all the chaos. But my goal is simple, I throw anyone I can overboard. 

Only problem is that the crew from the other ship is still crossing onto our ship and whenever I try to get rid of the wooden planks between ships, they're instantly replaced. They outnumber our crew by a lot and there's only one of me to easily throw them overboard.

Stupid Dream. Stupid Dream and his want to fight. And stupid Dream for wanting adventure. I can't help but let this repeat over in my head like a chant as I save Bad from almost getting stabbed by a guy from behind him. 

Stupid me for agreeing to this adventure in the first place. A guy that was making his way up the stairs towards me screams as he's thrown high into the air before landing with a splash into the cold water below. But I'm already moving onto the next guy to not be able to relish in the splash he makes into the water. 

I'm focused on one guy who is fighting Quackity who seems close to winning but he's midair when my hands are whipped behind my back and I'm shoved face first into the wood of the stern deck. I have barely enough time to yell out when a cloth is tied around my mouth and a bag thrown over my head. 

I feel myself being lifted up, my staff long forgotten hopefully by my captor too. It all happens too quickly so I have barely enough time to think the situation though, my only thought being along the lines of 'I'm going to die.'

So I kick and thrash as that seems to me the only thing I can do, tight rope digging into my wrists. For a second I'm unsure if it's even worth the struggle until I hear my name being called out by a familiar voice that I instantly recognize as Dream's. 

Knowing I have his attention I kick around more, hoping to maybe knee this guy hard enough in the back. But eventually the sound of clanging metal isn't so close and in my ear anymore which means we've probably crossed onto their boat.

But I don't stop thrashing around, basically throwing myself from side to side, not scared in the slightest if this guy drops me. I hear thudding behind us of someone running, boots slamming against wood before there's a loud shout, I'm pretty sure from the guy carrying me. 

Suddenly I hit the ground and while it hurts a bit, I stand up, bringing my tied arms in front of me and ripping the bag off my head. I catch a glimpse of Dream, sword drawn and fighting the guy who I assume was the guy carrying me. 

He has slightly wavy brown hair and a light beard that outlines just his jaw. But he has the features of a goat. Goat-like ears that sit in the middle of swirling ram horns which I don't think I've ever seen before. 

Dream's concentrated, his perfect dirty blonde hair that seems to glow in this sun, was once neatly tied up, is now undone, sweat making pieces stick to his face, green eyes set on his opponent ablaze with anger.

I'm only able to get a glimpse of the fight before my feet are swept out from under me. I feel my nose crunch and something connects with the back of my head creating a split second of pain before everything goes black. 


There's no way it's been like 2 months since I've updated this...

I'm already part way through the next chapter so don't worry, that'll be soon. Also at the end of the last chapter I realized I used binoculars instead of telescope so I changed it because telescope is cooler. 

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