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"We're lost."

"We are not lost Sapnap," I insist.

"We've been walking through this damned forest for over half an hour. Admit it, we. Are. Lost." I knew Dream was never going to admit we're lost but I had to kind of agree with Sapnap. I was starting to feel like we were lost.

"Climb up a tree and look around if you want to know so badly," I offer.

"That's a good idea." 

We all stop and watch as Sapnap struggles to climb up the tree. However, eventually he gets a rhythm and is working his way up the tree.

"Guy's we aren't lost okay you just gotta trust me. This is a complete waste of our time," Dream says as we stare warily at Sapnap. The tree branches are getting smaller and smaller. He gets to one particular branch, looks at it and decides that he's high enough. 

Looking around he points to the right.

"That's where the beach is. That way." I hear Dream mumble something under his breath and rolls his eyes not waiting for Sapnap to quite reach the ground before he's changing course towards the right. Quackity waits for Sapnap while I run off to catch up with Dream. 

We walk in silence but I don't mind it at all.

"Do you think we'll make it back to the ship before night?" I ask him, mostly because I enjoy hearing his voice and because I was genuinely curious as to what he thought. 

He looks up at the sky which is starting to be coloured orange which looked like a dirty yellow to me.

"I don't know. We should try our best to get back though. I don't know what lives in this forest. Though we could always sleep at M-" I suddenly cut him off.

"Nope. No way. Over my dead body." I see him grin which causes a tiny smile to grow on my face.

"Why do you hate them so much?"

"What's there to like?" I grumble.

"Jeez George, she's not that bad."

"Yes they are. You can't tell me you enjoy her company?"

"Give me one reason why you don't like her and I'll cut you some slack," he says ignoring my question.

"She's too touchy. They like me too much. They're not organised. Her aura in general is not a very pleasant one in my opinion. You want more?"

"Well, those are all very biassed George, and a bit mean." I roll my eyes at him though I know he's only joking and he doesn't really care about my opinion on the purple haired girl because he agrees with me. 

Then in between the trees I can see sand and I hear the soft slash of waves against the shore along with the caw of a seagull.

"God, finally. I don't know how much longer I could have talked to you," I say jokingly. In truth, I could never get tired of talking to Dream.

"You're lying."

"Am not. You're very boring to talk to. And you're too tall, it's annoying. You know, I am always accepting donations of height." Dream laughs and I smile. 

What I said wasn't even that funny in my opinion but Dream's smile is contagious. Like a flu that I know is running through some towns right now. However, the type of contagious Dream's smile is, is a lot more pleasant and welcoming than the coughs and sleepless nights the flu brings. 

We reach the sand and I am about to walk out onto the sand when Dream stops me. I look up at him and he's looking across the seat, out at the horizon.

"It's too dark to start now. We should camp right here and start tomorrow." I look at the sun that's now below the horizon, the sky an array of what I assume is dark blue, boarding on black along with dark reds, oranges and yellows. The colours are the only thing remaining of the sun, the only thing showing that moments before the sun was there. But I know that in a couple of minutes those colours will be replaced by the black darkness of the night and we won't be able to see a foot in front of us.

"I agree. And we better start quickly." 

Suddenly I hear a crash from deep in the forest which causes me to jump. However, laughs follow it and I realise that it's only Quackity and Sapnap. Dream sets out for firewood as I find an area and clear leaves off to the side to the best of my magical abilities. Sapnap and Quackity soon stumble into the clearing, arms over each other's shoulders giggling like idiots.

"What's so funny?" I ask, not really all that curious, more just because I don't want them stupidly laughing in the background without me knowing why. Just so then I really know if it's something worth laughing about.

"Oh nothing," Quackity says as he sits on the ground. "You wouldn't get it."

"Okay then." There's silence as I sit down on the ground across from them waiting for Dreams' arrival. Then suddenly they burst out laughing again and start to, quite literally, roll on the ground. 

Just at that moment Dream emerges from between the trees and sets the wood on the ground in the middle of everyone. He then expertly sets the logs up creating a much more organised pile of wood. 

Once he's done he sits back and looks at me expectantly. But I also see a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Sighing, I pick my staff up from the ground and I whisper, "ignismo." 

A blue glow reflects against everyone's eyes and then the logs catch fire. I look over at Dream, already smiling before I even see his reaction. He's staring at me and so I shake my head and look back at the fire, allowing him to stare for however long he wants. Enjoying the feeling of his eyes on me. Looking at me. Admiring me. The thought makes my stomach flip a bit but I act as if nothing happened, trying to play it cool while on the inside my thoughts are running wild. 


Guess who just speedran writing three chapters. 

That's right.

This gal.

Also who's proud of me uploading within 7 days of one another? 👀

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