Chapter 1:

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  I'm fine. No really. I'm fine. Did I lose my father? Yeah so what? Did I lose my mother? Yeah. My uncles? Yeah. My aunt? Yeah... Actually, almost all of my family is dead. My father died when I was born to save me so did my mother, 17 years later. She sacrificed herself for me at the same time my uncles died, to save our family.

  Today, I'm lost, with a power I can't really control. That's why I'm going to see my mother's friend. She has a school in Mystic Falls for people like me: Werewolf, vampires, witches...

  Anyway, I'm already on my way to go there and I'm anxious, like a lot. I do know that all the people in here are all lovely but I'm not. I lost too much to become friendly. I decided to take my mother's name even if I wanted to take my father's. I had no choice, it was too dangerous.

  The bus stopped suddenly and I got out without a goodbye. I walked during a while before I arrived in front of a gigantic school. I continued my way in and then stopped when I arrived at the door. I sighed and was going to open it when a woman's voice screamed:

-Rose Sylvia Mikaelson!

  I turned around smiling. Caroline stood there with a big smile on her sweet face. She looked so adult since the last time I saw her. She hugged me and I sighed in relief. She brought me to her office where I guess Alaric Saltzman was sat. He stood up, frowning his eyebrows. He hold his hand out for me to take it.

-Alaric, said Caroline, this is... Rose Nelson, the daughter of one of my closest friend. She's late but she really needs to come in this school.

-Where are your parents?

Caroline got pale and I kept my tears saying:

-They're dead. Do you have another stupid question or that's all?

-It's Mr Saltzman, he answered back.


He was going to say something when Caroline screamed:


  Suddenly, someone came with a vampire speed in the room. He said hello to the headmasters and then turned to look at me.

-I want you to bring her to your class.

  He nodded and made a sign to make me follow him. He talked to me a little and then stopped after a while, in front of a room. He knocked and entered. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. Great! I sighed and turned to the teacher when he said:

-You are...

-Rose M... Nelson.

  I felt an intense gaze on me so I turned to look. I met the eyes of a young girl of my age with brown hair. I think I met her one day because her face looks familiar. The teacher told me to go take a seat and I realized I knew another persone in the class. She had the same hair than me: black. I knew her face but I have no idea where I saw her...

  I had two hours free between two classes so I decided to go outside and sit on a bench. I began to read a journal my mom had made during all her life... In there, there is everything about my family, my dad and herself. She wrote it until she died.

  I felt some people around me and I looked up to see the two girls I saw today with another girl and two boys. The one with the intense gaze talked first, saying:

-Hi! I'm Hope, you're Rose, right?

I got pale immediately.

-H-hope Mikaelson?

She froze and the others looked at me with wide eyes.

-How do you know me?

-Gotta go, I blurted out.

  I stood up and began to walk when she threw me a spell. I fell on the floor and stood up again, turning around. I began to walk again and put my hand in her direction when I understood she was going to throw me a new spell. She flew in the air with strength. One of the two boys ran to her and helped her to stand up. She looked at me with angry eyes and I though: that's my cousin! She's strong, brave, pretty like her mother. Definitely a Mikaelson. I looked up at Hope and told her coldly:

-Don't mess with me!

-Don't mess with me either, I was kind but if you don't answer my question...

-My mother told me you were kind, not boring, I cut her rolling my eyes.

-You're mother?

-Are you deaf? Yeah, my mother!

-How can your mother know me?

  And that's when I understood I fucked up. I froze during a moment and sighed:

-Can't tell you, Hope.

-Look, right now, I don't trust you. You're weird and you pretend to know me. So now answer the damn question!

-No, I told you I can't. But I don't want to fight you.

  Suddenly, the girl with black hair said:

-I know you. I don't know where I met you but I did. Who are you?

-Rose Nelson.

-Never heard about you, answered the third girl with blond hair.

  I was going to answer something when I was saved by Caroline:

-Rose? Ah, you're here. Oh, hi girls, she added smiling when she saw the three girls.

  And then I understood. Josie and Lizzie Saltzman. Caroline's daughters. I quickly ran to Caroline and took her hand immediately bringing her to her office. I sat in a chair and yelled:

-They asked questions! That is so not a good plan!

-Really? Look, don't worry alright? But... I don't think you should tell them already. Hope lost a lot, just like you. I don't think she's ready to handle another surprise like that.

-I know, but it's just really hard. My cousin is in this school and I... can't tell her. She doesn't even remember me! And I... lost my mum and my dad... my uncles and I feel alone as hell! I don't know how to deal with all those stuffs!

  Caroline stood up and came to hug me. I hugged her back and began to sob. Why do I always have to fuck up? I destroy everything I touch. I don't have friends, I don't have anything. Everything or everyone I loved are dead and gone because of me. I'm a monster who dispatch death around me. I'm like an illness that can't be stopped. During all my life, before my mum died, I thought I could be happy and ignore that little voice who was repeating that I was just a fraud.

  Suddenly I cried loudly, letting all my tears roll down my cheeks. I yelled my parents' names and Caroline wiped her tears away. She cupped my cheeks and smiled slightly when the door swung open. I didn't react at first, but looked up after a second, seeing Josie. She frowned her eyebrows and then looked at her mom who turned around.

-Josie, you have to knock before you enter a room, how many times did I tell you that?

-Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt... Uhm... is everything okay? she said ashamed.

  I wiped my tears while calming my respiration. I tried a smile. I breathed out, answering:

-I'm fine.

Author's note: Hey! This is the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it!

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