Chapter 9

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I stood up quickly and looked around. Am I dead? Everything was dark and weird, there was wind... like a storm? I was in a forest I think, there were a lot of trees. But it seemed to be like another world. Nothing was like in my world even if I could see some resemblances. I began to walk slowly, calling I don't know who. After a while, I sat down and waited for something. What? Hell I don't freak!ng know! I sighed and began to walk. Again. My legs hurt, my arms were like cotton, my head was pounding and no one was answering me! Was I in hell? Yeah... that what my punishment to live. So I'm dead. I felt a tear running down my cheek while I heard some laughs. I turned around in that direction and without thinking more -bad idea- I ran in that direction. I didn't stop until I arrived in front of some branches which didn't let me pass. I slowly held my hand in front of me and pushed them away. I took a long breath, before I continued to walk. My eyes went wide.

There, was a lot of people, dancing, singing, laughing with each others. I didn't know any of them but they looked like a happy family. They were all around a fire and were preparing dinner I guess. I looked at them during a moment when I heard a laugh I knew too much. I quickly turned around and tried to see trough the darkness. Then, two women and a man walked out of the wood and appeared in the light of the fire. My heart stopped as I watch both of three laughing together. One of the woman looked up and catch my look. She let all the woods she was holding fall to the floor and her face went pale. The man followed her gaze and had the same reaction. Then, it was the turn of the third woman. I saw that everyone was looking at us, questions in their eyes.

-Mum, dad...? I murmured with tears running down my cheeks.

My mother ran to me and hugged me without any hesitation while the others were staring at us, not believing a word I just said. I hugged her back and began to cry. My father ran either and held me closer. I pulled apart and looked at him with stars in my eyes. I never saw him in real, only on photos... I then, looked at my mum and I smiled. But, they didn't answer and their happy faces began to become sad faces.

-You can't be here, murmured my mother.

-You're too young to die, added my father with a bright smile.

I looked between both of them with a confuse look.

-But... if I'm dead, no one will die because of me, right?

-If you knew how much you're wrong, answered my mother with a smile.

-Rose, said my dad holding my shoulders firmly, we know what you think. But you are the most beautiful thing in the world. We died, because we loved you too much to let you go. And never, hear me, never, we thought you were a disappointment. You are the most wonderful, brave and beautiful girl I ever seen. And I'm so proud that I'm your father because, I don't want a child if it's not you, honey. Understand? Never doubt about you or your capacities and don't let anyone say that you don't worth it.

My mum hugged me with my dad and added:

-Never forget that we love you, Rosie. You're the most beautiful decision we made, Theodore and I. We love you so much, no matter what you do. But you have to respect your values, at all cost, because it's what defined you. Why do you think you are chase by werewolves, vampires and witches? You are the daughter of Theodore Mikaelson, a vampire and Sylvia Nelson, the Unspell Witch. If someone can kill them all, it's you. You are their worst nightmare. Never forget that you're a Tribrid.

I pulled apart suddenly and wiped my tears away.

-A Tribrid?

-When your mother made that spell to have you, a werewolf side had been add. What means that you're half witch and half werewolf. You already know that you're not a real werewolf because you have only a capacity. You can transform werewolves in their human side. But, you're my daughter. The daughter of a vampire. My wonderful daughter, he said with proud eyes, you can destroy vampires.


-You're not dead sweaty, added my mother with a proud smile, you are in transition. You'll not be a real vampire. But, you'll have fangs, and with that, if you bite a vampire, he'll be dead. You have that power.

I looked back at my dad.

-That's how I killed you? Isn't? You put my fangs in your skin?

He nodded while I felt a strange feeling in my chest. They both smiled and I understood. I was coming back. I began to cry again and they hugged me when I saw a light. I caught their clothes when my mother murmured:

-Never forget that we love you.

-Always and Forever, added my dad.

And I was gone.

Author's note: Hey! It was a short chapter but I really wanted to do one like that with her family so... I hope you liked it like I did! And you understand that she was a Tribrid... Oh... Just kidding, that was obvious.

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