Chapter 3

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I was sleeping when suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't answer at first but then, the person did it again with more strength. I just sighed and murmured ''mmm?''. That's when someone opened the door and stayed quiet for a moment. I heard the person walk to me and then, I saw a blond haired girl in front of me. I turned around, ignoring her with annoyance. The girl sighed and sat up in front of me again before saying:

-Hi there! My dad wants to talk to you! So move your a$s!

-Lizzie stop screaming! Can't he see me during my classes?

-Stand up, now, she said with a rude tone.

I groaned and stood up. She left my room and let me dress up. She groaned and then told me to follow her. I did, rolling my eyes. A couple of minutes later, we arrived so she let me alone. I already knew she would try to hear my future conversation with the headmaster with her vampire friends. They're so stupid. I knocked and then entered the room when I heard a little ''yes''. I made a polite smile and then sat in a chair comfortably. He looked at me during a minute or two and then, before he began to talk, I put my hand in the door's direction. The air changed and I turned my eyes back to Saltzman.

-Just in case, I smiled again.

His eyebrows frowned but said:

-Look... Caroline told me you were not like the others... I don't know who you are, but I do know how powerful you are. You didn't use a spell to make that room quiet. So, if you wanna stay here, tell me who you are?

-You know this is blackmail?

-But I have to do it, Rose. Please, if you trust Caroline, you can trust me either. Because I know that if she put you in this school, it's for a reason.

I knew I had to tell him. And I didn't even care, if he wants to tell everyone after he knows the truth, I'll just have to erase his memories. Easy. So I took a deep breath and began:

-My name is Rose, I'm 16 years old. I'm from a vampire family named... the Mikaelson.

He froze and got pale.

-Y-you what?

-It's just the beginning. My father was Theodore Mikaelson, the adoptive brother of that family. My mum was from Paris. Her adoptive mother died and she decided to go away a little while after because her adoptive father was lost, literally. She met some witches who tortured her because she was not a witch like the others, she was special. Elijah saved her and she became friend with them all.
  Anyway, she got in a relationship with Theodore. They got married and my mother decided to become a vampire. With that, she could live with my father forever and the witches would stop trying to kill her. But, it turned out that she became a hybrid: half witch, half vampire. She found a spell who permitted her to get pregnant. So they had me but they discovered that my aunt did a prophecy saying that I would die if my father doesn't. So he sacrificed himself to save me. He died that day...
  My mother ran away with me and, we had a pretty life... Almost. She teached me how to control my powers. But she had to die for me to be safe, like my father. She died a couple of months ago. Like my uncle Elijah and Klaus. You have no idea how much I miss them all.
  But I have a lot of responsabilities because I am one of the most powerful witch that ever existed. I'm a powerful witch because my mother was one. She was named ''The Unspell Witch''. So I'm kind of the Unspell Witch either because you know, I have the same power than her.
  BThat's my life and this is the reason I'm here. Because I need a safe place to hide from all the witches or vampires or werewolves who want to kill me.

He looked at me with wide eyes during a moment and then murmured:

-So your name is...

-Rose Sylvia Mikaelson.

-Okay, so you're the daughter of Theodore Mikaelson and the Unspell Witch Sylvia Nelson, he repeated with a weird face when he talked about my parents.

-Yes I am. Did you know them?

He looked at his hands, suddenly finding them interesting.

-Yeah I did. Well, I never met them but Caroline talked about them sometimes. She told me that she had never seen a person as kind as your parents. She said that Theodore was a wonderful person who took care of his family and that your mother was one of the most powerful and strong woman she had ever met. She really loved them both. Caroline was devastated when she learnt that your mother was dead. It was a real shock. And that just after Theodore's death.

I smiled slightly and looked at the floor. I knew my parents are amazing. But hearing it from someone else, is beautiful.

-I never doubted them, I said slowly, I love them and miss them so much.

-What about Hope?

-She's my cousin but she doesn't know it. Like everyone here.

He nodded and stayed quiet before saying:

-Will you tell her one day?

-I think, but now is not the moment because we have both some stuffs to think about.

-I understand... but be careful. If you really are the Unspell Witch, you're more powerful than everyone in this school, even me, Rose.

-I know, and that, for Always and Forever, I answered with a huge smile.

Author's note: So this chapter is a little short but anyway hope you enjoyed it!

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