Chapter 17

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-If someone wants to say something? asked Saltzman with a broken voice.

I stood up and walked easily in front of the coffin. I took a deep breath and thought about my words. I had to tell him how much I loved and cared about him. I waited again a couple of seconds before I decided to say:-You... you gave the best memories I can remember. You were everything for me since the start... The start. What would happened if I didn't ask you to become my friend? What would happened if your ran away when I told you to? Why did you stay even if you knew you were going to die soon enough? I made a mistake when I let you come in my life... but I'm selfish. I'm selfish because a part of me, don't regret it. The only thing that is killing me, is that I will never see you again, laughing with Kathy and Aaron... Why did you something like that? When you first talked with me, I was scared. For me, for you and for everyone. But you let yourself come in my life and you paid for that. You shouldn't have pay for something you couldn't control. And I can't believe the fact that our children will be raise by strangers because we died... It seems like the story is repeated. I did the same mistake my mom made but I can't see what is wrong with that. I can't let myself think it's bad. What we did together, is what everyone wants and believe. And I love you so much it's literally killing me! I didn't want you to die. You had to discover all the things I couldn't, once dead. But you decided, again, to help whereas you could have run. I only hope that I'll see you again soon... because the war isn't over. And now, I lost everything. My parents, you, my babies. I was scared of death, now, I want to destroy that son of a b!tch who wants to kill my cousin and her friends. And nothing, hear me Haïden, nothing will ever make me run from my destiny. Because if I want to protect the one I love, I have to do it. And it's okay. I'm fine. I just want to find you back. And, together, will watch over our little ones. For Always and Forever.

I wiped all my tears away and stood up. I stayed a little frozen, before I turned around and looked at the others. They were all staring at me, like if I was a fragile little girl that could fainted at any moments. Maybe I was. I didn't turn around and walked straight outside, not bothering when I heard footsteps behind me. I continued my way outside and sat on our bench. I remembered all our memories and a tear ran down my cheek. Suddenly, I felt someone sit next to me. I didn't look who it was, trying to not explode. It was all silent, before we began to hear some music inside, telling us that the ceremony was over. I sighed and wiped the tears who were running down my cheeks without my authorization.

-He was an amazing friend, murmured Hope and I jumped a little when I remembered someone was next to me.


-I only regret to way I treated both of you. I didn't say I was sorry to any of you and, I'm so mad at me. What if he hates me, even after he's dead? What if he thinks it's my fault? What if I'm a monster and nothing else?

I closed my eyes, trying to not be mean.

-He doesn't think it's your fault, Hope, I answered slowly my voice shaking.

-How do you know about that? she asked turning to see my face.

-Because I just know it! Look, Hope, I just lost the one I love, the father of my children, that I had to abandoned by the way, and you're telling me that your worried about what he thinks! God he's dead we don't give a shit about what you think he thinks! All I see there, is my selfish cousin not bothering to ask me if I'm okay! Did you just thought about asking me? No, because you don't give a damn about me!

-Oh wow, she gasped, you are so selfish! Who was there when you gave birth?

-I don't freak!ng care about it Hope! You shouldn't have to do that if you said something to stop the persecution!

 -You were dangerous and I was scared at first!

-See, you're selfish! Do you remember that you are also the Tribrid?

-But not your kind of...

-Who cares! Why the hell are you trying to find you some excuses!

-Because I'm mad at me!

-Well keep your apologizes or your shit for you, understand?

I stood up and began to walk when I heard her groaned. I stopped and turned around. I sighed while groaning in anger before I walked to her. I hugged her and she had a confuse look. I pulled apart and told her:

-I'm going to die, you know that right? I can't let myself go if you are mad at me. You're my cousin and I love you. Never forget that because, love, is what makes us stronger not weaker.

-You're wrong, when we love we're weak, because our enemies can use that against us.

-No you are wrong, I shook my head, you're right on the fact that our weakness can be use against us but, if the one we love are in danger... it makes us wants to fight even more to protect them. Why do you think I'm sacrificing myself? I will protect the one I love. Always and Forever.

-Always and Forever? murmured Hope with tears.

-That's right Hope, I smiled.

On that, I turned around and this time, walked inside directly in Saltzman's office. When I entered, without knocking of course, all the group was there. My smile disappeared from my face and I thought: it's time to make the plan for my death.

Author's note: Hi guys so I think the next chapter is the end or if it's not... it's soon... I'll have a proposition btw so please read the last page of the book once it's done because I'll really nead to know what you think about my idea, Ok? Thanks and enjoy!

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