Chapter 6

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You wanna know the word that describes me right now? LOST! I'm sooo lost. I don't understand a word of what the hell is going on. At school, everyone look at me like I was a freak!ng monster! Like if I was... no one now. Since I killed that boy, I'm kind of bullied. They laugh, they humiliate me, the beat me but I don't say anything. Because I need that pain. Because I know they're right. Because I am a monster that destroy everything on her way even if I don't really want to. I'm a mistake. And I know I have to die but I can't. I'm scared of the death, my mum, my dad, my uncles... everyone left. Now, I'm all alone to find out what I'm supposed to do. I can't talk to Rebekah or Kol. I don't want to bother them with something as stupid as this. And for that b!tch (yeah I'm talking about Freya) I don't want to hear her freak!ng name! She's a betrayer even if everyone forgave her, I didn't. She killed my dad, so you hear me, I will never forgive her. Haïden tries to help me but... he has some arguments with his friends. Guess about who it is? ME! Hope and the others literally hate me and don't understand why he's still talking to me. He, on the other part, begin to be very annoyed about how Hope talk to me, now that he does know that she's my cousin. I know he's worried but I can't help to think that he should run away before he gets hurt. By me of course. Saltzman doesn't go out of his office since a month. Well, since the accident. He tries to find something to help me out, but like me, he doesn't find anything. The hick, is that... tomorrow is the full moon and I don't know what will happen. What scares me a lot. I scared because tomorrow, Haïden will have to fight versus his werewolf side and I know how painful it is. I read a lot of books about that and... I don't want to become a werewolf! I only want one thing: coming back to the start, when I didn't come in that school even if it means to die by angry werewolves or vampires or witches.

I was reading alone in the library when I heard some footsteps. What I thought weird, because, no one come here at that hour. That's why I'm here all the time, duh! But when I looked up, I saw Hope, Lizzie and Josie in front of me. I glared at her during a moment before reading again. But then, someone grabbed my book and threw it on the floor. I sighed loudly and then bent down to took it. I heard Hope murmured a spell and I flew in the air, my head hitting the wall. I groaned in pain and stood up, seeing dark. I watched as she was going to throw a new spell, knowing I would not fight. During five minutes, that's what she did. Throwing spell, me yelling in pain, the girls watching. When suddenly I heard footsteps again and I looked up. I felt blood running down my head and coming in my eyes but I could still see the two boys coming in the room. Haïden looked at me with wide eyes and ran to me with a scared expression. I murmured his name weakly before he put me back on my feet, holding me to help me not to fall. I screamed in pain while he looked the girls and the boy with a dead glare.

-Haïden what you're doing? asked Lizzie with the same glare.

-What are you all doing? You're beating her? She's not even fighting back? How can you be all sooo amazingly dumb! That's why you took so long to dressed up, Landon? he added, looking at the boy while two black boys came in the room before the eyes widen when they saw the blood. MG, Kaleb, go, now.

They both, ran out of the room without saying anything. The four guys in front of us glared at me before Landon said:

-I'm sorry Haïden, I had no idea what was their plan!

-Landon! yelled Hope disappointed.

-I don' care, cut Haïden, I have to bring her to her room to heal her so now get out of my way! Fine, then I will make you do it, he added when no one moved but I took his arm.

-No... don't... hurt her, I said weakly.

He looked at me with angry eyes, his jaw clenched but didn't reply. He hold me like a princess and began to walk when he stopped. Hope was in front of us, menacing us to throw a spell. He laughed loudly and then became serious again:

-Hope, dear Hope. Get out of my way now, I will make your life become a disaster, starting with a secret that will destroy you, understand?

I was scared when I heard him say that. Not only because I knew about what secret he was talking, but also because he had a sort of aura... I knew that, right now, we couldn't mess with him or it will not end up well. I think, the three girls felt it too, because Hope took a step back with a frightened expression. Haïden passed next to her without saying anything else. I let him bring me to my bed and I sighed once in it. He slapped the door shut and looked at me, fury in his eyes. I gulped and waited. He finally said after a long pause:

-What the hell Rose?

-W-what? I stuttered quietly.

-Why you didn't fight back?

-Because I'm done with fighting! I don't want to do that anymore... and I don't want to hurt her!

-Well, I'm telling you if she hurts you once again, she'll see how much I can be a dangerous werewolf, understand? he yelled looking at me straight in the eyes.

I jumped on my feet and approached him with a dead glare.

-Who you think you're talking to?

-I'm talking to a dumb ass who let herself being beating up by three stupid girls!

-They're your friends! I yelled back ignoring the dumb ass part.

-Not anymore! Not when they hurt someone I care about because they are scared of you! I won't let anything happen to you because of them, alright?

My eyes went wide when I understood... it was too late.

-I'm not asking you to protect me or to fight with your friends for me!

-I don't let you the choice, really, he shrugged.

-Why are you doing this! I yelled again, feeling tears coming into my eyes. I told you how much I was dangerous! But you still want to protect me or to approach me so what is freak!ng wrong with you Haïden? You don't see how much I'm gonna hurt you one day? You don't see how much I hate myself because I do know that you could fight until death for me but I can't! Because I'm scared of dying! I saw everyone I cared about die because of me so why can't you just go away for your own safety!

-Because you're my friend Rose! he screamed back and I'm sure everyone in the school could hear us.

-Yeah well we shouldn't be! One day, you'll die, because of me, again. I will have to let everything I built, again. I will have to forget the pain I feel everyday in my chest -my tears ran down my cheeks- even if I know it is freak!ng impossible! I will have to go away and push everyone away from me again! Be the most horrible thing will be when... I'll realize how much I miss the one who's gone forever! And I'm in pain because all I can think about is the fact, that I will be alone one more time. I'm in pain because my parents are dead, I'm in pain because my uncles are dead, I'm in pain because I know that soon enough, this school will be chase by every single supernatural person in this freak!ng world a-and p-people w-will die because of me! I'm just a big fraud who have to be erase from this world! I should be enough brave, like my mother and my father did! They freak!ng died because I wasn't strong enough. Can you imagine how much it is hard to wake every single morning and to remember how much I suck? That I shouldn't be able to breath? To why I didn't end my days anytime sooner? Yeah why am I still alive! Because I'm scared! And that pressure I feel, like I'm a disappointment for everyone and that my parents are just... horrified about me. I wanted to make them proud but I know I didn't. How can we be proud of me? I'm a ghost! And what about the fact that I don't know if they found peace? What if they didn't? Imagine if they're just somewhere, sad and angry because of me? What if I...

I explode crying and fell on my knees. I wrapped my arms around my chest and began to yell in pain. I didn't care right now of who could hear me or not. I was just in pain. I had to let that out. I felt Haïden sit down next to me and, to my surprise, he hugged me. I hugged him back crying, like if I was dying (what I kind of was from inside), and heard him murmuring kind stuff. I smiled a little on his shoulder and looked back at my injuries before feeling the sleepiness wash over me...

Author's note: I hate when it's too much emotional.

Just kidding, I love it !

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