Chapter 18

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I was lazily sit in a chair of Saltzman's office. It was very boring actually, they were all talking about some stuffs and didn't care about. It was all about school, the war, etc... All I could think about was Haïden. I'm sure that if he was there, he would sigh and yell ''can't we please talk about something more interesting?''. I smiled at that before the tears came again. I wiped them away and put my head back on my hand. I sighed again, thinking about were my little ones now. Did Caroline found someone perfect for them? I hope so because I don't care, I'll punch Caroline in the face. Anyway... she told me they knew about my mum and dad and myself and Haïden. Actually about all my family. They are werewolves who will take care of them and helped them with their powers. I have no idea what kind of powers they'll have really... Maybe they'll be the new Tribrids? I really hope not. Suddenly, I felt someone hit my arm with strength and I groaned in anger. I looked up to see Lizzie and the others looking at me.

-You had to hit me? I asked Lizzie with a low, loud, angry voice.

-You weren't listening!

-Sorry, I answered tightly, I was bothering by asking myself were the hell were my children and if they were okay and thinking about my dead boyfriend who's by the way the father of Kathy and Aaron that we both will never know because of all of you! So now shut the f*ck up if you don't want me to be more angry than I'm already am. You should thanks me because I'll die for all of you and let my little ones be raised by strangers!

I breathed heavily because of my anger. I think I was a little scary, Lizzie looked down and turned her gaze to Saltzman, attempting him to repeat the sh!t he just said. He gulped and tried to open his mouth once before he tried again:

-I was saying that we had to prepared ourselves for the war and...

-Shut up, I cut him off, I'll die, that's all, no war.-You do know that we'll have to fight?

-For what? To say that you defended you students while I died? No thanks.

-Don't be that selfish Rose, yelled Josie.

I stood up and walked in front of her.

-What is selfish in the fact that I die for you? I growled at her while she gulped. Answer me! What. Is. Selfish. In. The. Fact. That. I. Die. For. You?

-N-n-nothing..., she murmured.

-That was I thought.

I walked back when we heard a loud boom! outside. I looked trough the window and watched as the monster ran in the school's direction. I closed my eyes and let a tears roll down my cheek. I wiped it away. I didn't think I would cry! I looked at the others who were staring at me. I sighed and ran outside while everyone were screaming. What were they playing at. My eyes widen when I saw Hope fighting with the monster, throwing spell on him. I continued my way to her, knowing in a couple of seconds, I will not be a part of this world anymore. Hope looked at me and yelled me to run away. I smiled at her and throw a spell to the monster who was ready to throw a spell at her. He flew a few meters away and I made Hope flew in the air too, far from us. I turned around to the beast when I heard him come to me. He stopped and looked at me while the students were going out, bad idea.

-So you made a choice, Rose Sylvia Mikealson? he said with his scary voice.

-Like you can see!

-No... you'll not go that far, you have too much to lose. Your children will hat you after that, both of Haïden and you will leave them all alone in this world! And you attempt them to forgive you? Bullshit my dear...

-We'll see, I answered coldly.-Oh really?

I turned to Hope and was shaking her head to me. I smiled and murmured for her to hear: please tell them I love them, and I love you too my cousin. I then, looked the monster straight in the eyes. And yelled. I felt a huge pain in my stomach and saw, afraid, that the monster stabbed me. I screamed in pain while I opened my arms, using this pain against him. I felt tears ran down my cheeks as my powers explode around me, everything purple. I continued my way to my death even if I felt the monster stab me with more strength than before, knowing that I made my choice. I heard my friends yelling at me to stop but I couldn't, even if I wanted. I was already on my way, no step back. I looked at the monster straight in the eyes and smirk when I saw fear in his. I took a deep breath, and yelled again, looking at the sky trough my eyes full of tears. I smiled, knowing the beautiful dark sky was the last sight I will ever have. Maybe I will never find peace? Maybe I'll never find my family again. Maybe I'll be alone for the rest of my dead life. Maybe, maybe, maybe... But like I said, no step back. Once that thought in my mind, I closed my eyes, and let myself explode by my three powers. My witch side became crazy and took control, lighting me while my werewolf side growled in anger. I heard the monster scream in pain as a spell touched him. I smiled and bite my wrist with my fangs. My heart skipped a beat as I felt the effect of my three powers killing me slowly. Then, I opened my eyes, my lower part becoming gray, and in a last effort, flew to the monster while yelling. There was a big loud light that made flew everyone in the air while both the monster and me screamed in pain, feeling ourselves burn. The next second, the was a second explosion, and I feel myself delivered of my culpability for everything I've done wrong in my life. That's how I knew I did it. I saved everyone by dying. I was dead. There were alive.

Author's note: Guys... the next chapter is the last one!

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