Last First Kiss

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"Harry's going to be here soon." Gemma called from downstairs.

I threw the covers off of my body and walked to the shower, turning the nozzle to the warm side. I stepped in soon after, rinsing my hair with my coconut scented shampoo.

I washed my long legs first with the same scented body wash, before traveling up to the rest of my body.

I stepped out of the shower letting the cool air, place goosebumps onto my tanned skin. I quickly got dressed, slipping on my favorite jean shorts and a plain white v-neck. I also grabbed a pair of teal sandals before running to the bathroom to attend my hair.

I have long, brown, curly hair. By long I mean it reaches my lower back. I let my hair grow out after someone told me I looked like my brother when I had my short, curly hair.

I cringed as I tried to take the knots out of my hair with my fingers, but gave up instantly. I swiped a bit of mascara on my eyelashes, not being a huge fan of makeup.

I plugged my ear buds into my phone and let the song "Drunk",
by no one other than Ed Sheeran, pour through.

My heart skipped a beat as I thought of seeing my brother again. It has been a while since he has been home. I actually hadn't met all of One Direction. Only Liam Payne. Harry had brought him here for christmas. He was actually really sweet.

A lot of people have said I act and look a lot like Harry. Apparently I am also very flirtatious like Harry. I also have the same eyes and hair.

I'm only about two years older than him, but we are really close. I took it really hard when he left for X-Factor. We only ever saw him every once and a while.

Now we do see him a bit more, but still not as much as I would like too. I live in London, but I visit my mum and Gemma a lot. I have been staying here for about two weeks, because I had just finished my latest movie. I work as an actress, not too popular yet but I'm working on it.

I started dancing around my kitchen to the music until I saw Harry standing in the doorway. I nearly jumped feet into the air, my bag of crisps falling onto the floor. I swiftly take out my ear phones, setting them on the counter. You could hear the light music of Ed Sheeran playing away.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack." I said, holding my heart, panting.

Harry chuckled before I ran over to him, crushing him in a big hug. He twirled me around, before smoothly setting me down on the kitchen floor.

"I missed you so much." I said giving him a genuine smile.

"Me too, I'm glad I saw that little show of yours though." Harry said smirking at me. I smacked his arm, as he started dancing weirdly trying to copy me.

"Oww." He said, sticking out his bottom lip to pout.

I kiss where I had hit him. "Better?" I said using a baby voice. He nodded, smiling greatly at me.

We started walking to the living room before I saw Liam, standing by the front door.

"Liam!" I screeched before running up to him. He hugged me tightly before whispering he missed me into my hair.

"I missed you too." I said as he pecked my cheek. I hit Harry again.

"Hey, what was that for?" He pouted once again.

"For not telling me Liam was coming!" I said trying to sound annoyed, but failed miserably.

"That's not all I brought home." Harry said dragging me outside.

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