Chapter 22

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Louis' P.O.V.

I raced through JFK, flying out of the automatic doors, leading to the cold air. There were people practically everywhere.

No where to escape.

I turned to look behind me, to see the crowd of fans almost had caught up to me, making me run faster.

I was stupid enough to think that I could go to New York City, and not get mobbed.

Yeah I was wrong.

But I didn't care.

All I could think about was seeing Hazel again.

I haven't even been away from her for two weeks, yet I feel like it has been a century.

I hope she reacts the way I want her to react when she sees me.

Run towards me, before colliding with me. Giving me a hug that signified that she missed me, just as much as I missed her.

Of course I have to explain what really happened, and then we would cuddle on the couch as we made fun of reality shows.

I saw a cab pull up to the curb, making my legs move twice as fast.

"Excuse me." I yelled over the traffic, trying to get his attention.

A loud whistle came from behind me, making the cab halt.

I turned around to see a smug looking Paul crossing his arms.

"How did you?" I tried to form a question making Paul smile.

"What I wanted to see New York. Now get in." He laughed, before messing with my hair.

I jumped into the back of the cab, before giving the driver the direction to her and Harry's hotel.

They weren't smart enough to keep it quiet, so it was easy to find out what hotel the famous siblings were located in.

The hard part, the room number.

I think I am just going to wing it, and hopefully one of the doors I knock on will reveal her beautiful face.

"Earth to Louis." Paul joked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, yeah?" I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"There is a lot of traffic. It looks like it could take an hour, maybe more." He explained, making my face pale.

"No, no no." I mumbled, letting my seat beat go lose.

"What are you do-"

"I have to go. Meet me there, yeah?" I rushed my words out, before throwing money at him so he could pay the driver.

I climbed out of the car door, before looking down both lanes of the street.

Cars were lined up as far as I could see, making me groan in frustration.

I started running left, hopefully I will remember the directions Liam was trying to tell me.

I knew I should have listened.

I ran down the skinny line between the cars, before turning down a street that sounded familiar.

After about five minutes of running around, I knew I was never going to find it so I called the boys.

"Lost already?" Liam answered into the phone, making me chuckle slightly.

"Yes, now please tell me how to get there from Allen Street."

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