Chapter 20

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"Hazel, I can explain." Louis rushed, his eyes focused on mine, but I couldn't bare to look at him.

"No Louis, you've done enough." I snapped, before pressing the button to close the doors of the lift. He realized what I was doing, and ran towards the doors.

"Hazel, please just listen." He yelled, trying to pry open the closing doors, but it was too late, we were already descending towards the floor that we should have went to in the first place.

"Hazel, are you OK?" Niall softly asked, rubbing my back.

I shook my head, not taking my eyes off of the steel lift doors.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Zayn offered, but I shook my head.

As soon as we reached Zayn's flat I dropped my purse, before taking the thing closest to me and throwing it.

I instantly felt bad when I saw it was a picture frame, filled with his sisters smiling faces.

"I-I... I'm so sorry." I cried, tears spilling down my cheeks.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, it hurt too much.

I ran over towards the frame to see the glass of the front was shattered.

I tried picking the minuscule pieces of glass up, but Zayn stopped me, by softly grabbing my wrists.

"Hey, it's OK." He whispered softly, letting my back rest against his chest.

"I promise I will buy you another frame, I-I"

"Shh, it's alright. I've never liked that frame anyway." He tried making me laugh.

I smiled, before kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Zayn." I whispered.

"Anything for you Haz."






The next morning, Zayn drove Niall and I back to my mum's house, before running off towards the store to get something.

Niall grabbed my bag, before pecking a light kiss of my temple.

I could tell he felt bad for me, and was trying to be an even sweeter guy than he was before, which I didn't think was possible.

When I woak up, he made me a plate of pancakes, before handing me a cup of tea.

It makes me happy that he and Zayn care about me enough to comfort me.

Niall opened the door for me, before walking in after me.

The house was completely dark, just a smidge of light was let it from the kitchen.

I looked back at Niall, and saw he was just as confused as I was.

We curiously walked into the kitchen to see Harry laying his head on the kitchen counter, as Liam was trying to get him to eat.

Harry was still in his pajamas, his chocolate curls a mess, almost as if he has been tugging at them.

Liam looked up at his as we walked in the room, before giving me a weak smile.

Great, so now even Liam feels sorry for me.

He came over to us, before pulling me into a hug, whispering the words-

You deserve someone who will know how special you really are.

I gave him a small smile, before asking him about Harry.

"I don't know, but he has been moping around since he and Shannon came home last night." He answered, with a shrug.

"Let me talk to him."

Liam and Niall left to go get lunch, so Harry and I could be alone.

"Harry." I whispered softly, running my fingers through his curls.

He lifted his head up at the sound of me voice, before pulling me in for a hug. I caught a glance of  his face to see his eyes held dark circles, and sadness.

"Shh." I cooed, rubbing his back.

"Talk to me Harry." I pleaded.

"Shannon... s-she." He cried, making his breathing increase.

"She what Harry."

"S-she broke up with me"

I held in a gasp, before hugging him even tighter.

A tear ran down my cheek as I looked at my depressed little brother.

I should have been here for him.

I should have slapped Shannon.

"Wait, Hazel where's Louis?"

Tears slipped down my face at the mention of his name.

He said he loved me.

He said he would never hurt me.

"Hazel, what happened?"

"H-he was with another girl, right outside the flat we were supposed to share." I sobbed, letting my wall break down.

"A-and I should've been here for you. I'm a terrible big sister."

"Hazel, don't ever say that. I couldn't have asked for a better older sister." He said into my hair, holding me tight against his chest.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you Haz."

"Come on, we are going to get out of England for a couple of days." Harry suggested, picking me up, and walking up to his room.

"Really? Where are we going to go." I asked, suddenly excited.

"I don't know. Name a place."

"New York."

"New York it is then."






What do you think about Harry and Hazel going to New York?

Anyone live there?

Yes, No?

The question for this chapter is, where does everyone live?

I live in the U.s, in Colorado :)

Also, please tell me what you think about the whole Lazel fight and Hannon breakup!

I want to know!!!

Love you all :)

xoxo Ashley!


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