Chapter 8

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"Right hand blue." Liam called.

We were all playing twister and it was up to me and Harry.

We have always been good at this game.

Our position was really awkward though.

I was in a back bend, my legs spread un evenly apart.

Harry was under the arch of my back, his bum touching my back.

I was looking at everything upside down, including Shannon that was cheering me on.

I moved my hand slowly, trying not to fall.

I could tell Harry was doing the same.

I fell as my foot slipped from under me, landing on Harry's back.

"OW." I whined. I pushed Harry a little, and he just smirked.

I knew just what he was thinking and I tackled him.

He pushed me over so he was over me, and I turned us back around.

We continued doing this until we hit the wall.

We just laughed, rubbing our heads that had just hit the wall.

"Who put that wall there?" I asked jokingly.

Harry got up, picking me up with him.

I was about 5"5 so he towered over me.

He carried me towards the kitchen.

He set me on the counter, the rest of the boys and Shannon soon appeared in the doorway.

I gasped. "Taste test." I said making Harry smile, and nod.

He grabbed out most of the stuff in the pantry, and took out a cloth from the drawer.

He tied it tight around my eyes, I couldn't see anything, just blackness.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I heard Harry ask.

"Seven." I guessed.

He chuckled and muttered a good.

I could hear Harry walk farther away from me, so I'm guessing he went to the other side of the kitchen.

"Hello beautiful." I heard Louis whisper in my ear, making goosebumps appear all over.

"Where is your face?" I reached out.

I could feel him take me hands, softly, and he put them on his cheeks.

I slid them around his neck, and I could literally hear his smirk.

I leaned in closer so his lips were brushing mine.

I couldn't hear any other voices so I'm guessing they all left the room.

He pulled away once I was close enough, making me pout.

"Tease." I muttered before pulling him closer and crashing my lips onto his.

He seemed taken back, but he kissed back quickly.

He was standing in front of me, I was still sitting on the counter.

I heard a smack, and Louis pulled away.

"What'd you do to him?" I said, hoping someone would answer me.

"He smacked my head." Louis whined.

"I said no snogging when I'm here." Harry explained.

"But you're always here." I whined.

"That's the point." Harry smartly said.

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