Chapter 3

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"No, but I can try." Louis said with a smirk on his face.

I giggled before kissing his tender cheek. I could feel his pink lips form into the beautiful smile of his, making me smile as well.

"You sure you are OK?" He said with concern in his greenish blue eyes.

I nodded, but honestly I wasn't. I thought Taylor loved me. He told me he would never hurt me, but now he has caused both physical and emotional pain.

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, blurrying my vision.

"You are a horrid liar, come here."He said opening his arms wide.

"Everything is going to be alright. I promise." He whispered into my hair.

"Taylor promised he would never hurt me, but look what he did. Promise is a big word Lou." I said with a shaking voice.

"Yes, but the difference this time is I'm going to keep my promise." With just thoes few words, made my frown turn into a wide grin.

"There it is." He said putting his hand, softly on my cheek.

"There's what?" I said confused.

"Your beautiful smile." He said smiling sweetly at me.

I kissed the palm of his hand, holding it to my lips.

"Also, I happen to think your One Direction pajamas, look adorable on you." He said with a cheeky wink.

"And you look great with your carrot bottems." I said giggling once I saw Lou had pajama pants with carrots all over them.

"I try." He winked.

"So you want to tell me the story of why you have our faces on your pajamas." He smirked.

"OK well, last year for christmas, Harry brought Liam home and they bought me all of this merchindise with your faces plastered on it. I have about ten posters all of your cardboard cutouts, dolls, and anything else you can think of." I said smiling at the memory.

"Oh god." He gasped. "So where are you hiding all of this?"

"I put them in Harry and Liam's closets." I smirked evily.

"You would make a good partner in crime Styles." He said bringing back a smirk.

"Sorry that's Harry's title." I laughed as Lou pouted.

"Don't worry, you're the only one that knows about this place." I said trying to bring back his award winning smile.

His face brightened and he smiled. "So I'm your hiding place buddy?"

I nodded, smiling greatly at him. He gave me a sideways hug.

"Thanks." I smiled genuily at him.

"For what?" He said confused.

"For cheering me up." I smiled kissing his cheek.

"Haz, Lou?" I could hear Harry yell in the distance.

"I'm guessing they realized we were missing?" I giggled.

"I don't want to go back inside yet!" Louis whined making me erupt into more giggles.

"OK how about we go in, in five minutes?" I asked smiling at him. He nodded furiously smiling a wide grin.

"Tell me about your friends." Louis said leaning his head on my shoulder.

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