Chapter 17

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Hazel's P.O.V.

Louis twisted the doorknob, slowly, not wanting to cause any disruption. He grabbed my hand, after he swung open the door. I was wondering how we were going to get both myself and my wheelchair inside, but Louis got the covered, picking up the wheelchair as I was still in it.

"Is it bad to say you look hot right now?" I whispered as Louis placed the wheelchair down. He laughed silently, shaking his head.

He kissed my head, before making sure the door was shut all of the way.

"Are you tired?" Louis asked, bending down to my level, and caressing my cheek.

I shook my head, and he nodded. "Will you stay with me." I asked, as he picked me up, and carried me to the couch.

"Always." He whispered into my hair, before kissing my head.

Louis sat down on the couch, letting me sit in between his legs. My back was to his chest, and my non-injured leg, was intertwined with his.

The glow of the telly, lit up the living room, making me squint my eyes. I cuddled farther into Louis' chest, hugging him close. He placed a blanket on top of both of us, making me sigh.

"Go to sleep princess." He cooed, playing with my hair.

I nodded, before drifting off to sleep in my boyfriend's arms, after hearing a faint.

I love you.


I only slept for about an hour or so, watching Friends as I waited for Louis to wake up. I yawned, cuddling farther into his chest.

"Why are you guys down here." Gemma asked, as she walked down behind mum.

I stuttered not knowing what to tell her, but she was so tired, she just walked into the kitchen, forgetting what she even asked.

Louis stirred, and I looked up at him, waiting for him to reveal his dazzling blue-green eyes.

I pecked his lips, and he smiled, pulling me closer to him.

"Good morning love." He said in his sexy morning voice.

"How's your leg." He whispered sadly, looking down at my leg.

I gave him a reassuring smile, before shrugging.

"A little itchy." I squirmed around, crinkling my nose.

"I'm sorry baby." He frowned, kissing my head.

"Morning Harry, Shannon." He called as my brother, and his girlfriend made their way down the stairs.

They waved weakly, before walking into the kitchen.

"What's with them?" Louis laughed, nodding towards Niall and Liam who walked sleepily down the stairs and then falling asleep next to each other on the bottom stair.

I laughed, shrugging slightly. A second later Harry came into the living room, shuffling over to the couch. My heart rate picked up, as I rushed to fix the blanket that covered my injured leg.

Harry sat down on the edge of the couch, causing me to move my leg swiftly. I prayed he wouldn't try to sit back, or else he was going to find out about my leg sooner rather than later.

Harry started to sit back, and Louis looked at me with wide eyes. With one swift motion, Louis pushed Harry off of the couch with his foot, making him land on his bum.

His lips were parted and he looked wide awake now. He looked back at Louis, looking for an explanation, but Louis just shrugged.

"My foot went a little crazy." Louis said in a weird voice, making me giggle. Harry stayed in his spot on the floor, concentrating on the carpet.

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