Chapter 9

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"They are so cute." I could hear my mum gush.

"Mum." I heard Harry groan, making me smile on the inside.

I felt Harry's pointer finger poke my cheek were my dimples, identical to Harry's, were located.

"Sissy." Harry whined like a three year old.

I squinted my eyes open to see all of the boys behind my mum, Gemma, and Robin.

I looked down to see Harry was still laying on my stomach, wrapping his arms around my torso.

He looked up at me with his big green orbs, and game me a sheepish smile.

Once I realized my parents and Gemma was home, I smiled at them.

"Mum, Robin, Gem!" I exclaimed. They all ran over to me and hugged me, because Harry refused to let go.

"Where were you?" I questioned.

"Harry didn't tell you?" Robin asked, and I answered my shaking my head no.

Gem gave him the evil eye, making him pout. "I forgot."

"Anyway, we went to visit our friends in London." My mum answered me.

Everyone came and sat on the couch, surrounding Harry and I.

"So what happened while we were gone." Gemma said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Nothing." I said a little too quickly.

I had realized I hadn't told my parents or Gemma I was or dating Lou, or Harry was dating Shannon.

Which reminds me...

"Harry where did Shannon sleep last night?" I asked Harry curiously.

His cheeks turned a light pink, and he mumbled a "in your room."

I pinched his cheeks and he slapped my hands away.

"What's this about Shannon?" My mum said, starting to become interested in our conversation.

"Hazel." Harry whined.

I silently chuckled. He was all upset I revealed his "secret."

"Well Hazel is dating Louis." Harry said making me smack his arm.

Gemma wolf whistled, making me blush.

"Shannon and Harry sleep in the same bed."

"You and Lou almost had sex on our couch."

"Did not, it's called snogging!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!

"Did t-"

I cut Harry off by pushing him off the couch, he gasped dramatically, pulling me on the floor with him.

I had my back against the couch, my arms hitting Harry's toned chest, where Harry had his back pushed up against the coffee table, hitting me back.

I was pulled away by a laughing Louis, as I struggled against his grip.

Liam helped Harry up, and they sat where we had sat a few minutes ago.

I stopped struggling against Lou's grip when I realized he was much stronger than me.

I collapsed in his chest, and he dragged me to the love seat across the room.

Harry and I glared at each other until Zayn smacked his head away.

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