Chapter 7

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"Louis, do you ever wonder about your future?" I said looking to my right to see my handsome boyfriend lying next to me.

We were both laying on the checkered picnic blanket, looking up at the sky.

"All of the time." He said smiling at me.

"What do you see?" I said softly.

"I see you." He said, making me smile.

I rolled over, laying on his chest.

"I guess we have to go back." I said, making Lou groan.

He pulled me in closer, holding my tighter.

I laughed and pushed away from him.

"Alright let's go." He said picking me up.

"I have feet." I said making him chuckle.

"Doesn't mean you have to use them." He winked, making me giggle.

Once we got onto the side walk, he put me down for a swift second before putting me on his back.

He started running towards the house that was only a couple of blocks away, as I laughed.

He ran the whole way, swinging the door open wide.

I didn't see any car out front, and no boys were on the couch, so I figured they all went out.

"We're all alone." I smirked and he threw me on the couch, before jumping on top of me.

He started to tickle my sides, making me squirm.

"S-stop L-lou." I said laughing hysterically.

"Hmm, for a kiss." He said cheekily.

I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

He clapped his hands together making me giggle.

He leaned in closer, but at the last minute I flipped us over, so I was straddling him.

I started tickling his sides like he did to me, making him squirm.

"P-please." He said continuously laughing.

"Hmm, nope." I smirked.

Once he was laughing so hard his face was red, I stopped. I could hear his heavy breathing, on my lips as I leaned in closer.

He met me halfway, making our lips brush. I could feel him smile against my lips.

He flipped us over, and I smirked against his lips.

His tongue was tracing my bottom lip, almost asking for permission.

I opened my mouth slightly, letting his tongue slip in.

He held his arms, firmly, low around my waist, and I had my fingers sliding in his hair.

"MY EYES." I heard Zayn scream from the doorway.

We pulled away swiftly, looking towards the doorway.

Zayn was covering Niall and Liam's eyes, Harry looking pissed behind him, Shannon on his arm.

Lou jumped off of me, helping me up.

My cheeks were burning, and Louis gulped as he saw Harry's expression.

"Couldn't you at least go up stairs." Zayn smirked.

I rolled my eyes, as did Louis.

"I was looking for the remote." Louis said trying to make up an excuse.

"In her mouth?" Niall said disgusted.

Liam was just standing their wide eyes, and Harry. Well, if looks could kill, Louis would be long gone.

"Boys take Shannon and Haz to get ice cream. I have to have a chat with Louis." He said through gritted teeth.

I looked at Lou, and he nodded to Niall who was waiting for me. I gave him a hug, before running off to Niall.

Louis' P.O.V.

Once everyone left, Harry walked over to me rapidly, making me nervous.

"Harry you are being ridiculous." I said holding out my hands.

"Really I'm being ridiculous?" His face turning slightly red. "You were snogging my sister." He screamed.

"You are dating her best friend, and does she act this way towards you when you snog her?" I snapped.

His face softened, and he slumped onto the couch.

"I'm such a terrible brother." He said putting his head into his hands.

I sat down next to him and patted his back.

"Don't say that. You are just trying to protect her and I get that. But Harry listen to me when I say this, I would never hurt Hazel." I said, making his head slowly rise out of his hands.

"Fine, but if you do I will-"

"I won't." I smiled warmly at him.

"Come here boobear." He said opening his arms wide.

I gave him a hug, right as the door flew open.

We looked up to see Zayn and Hazel, smiling at us.

I winked at Hazel making her blush, as a smirk grew on my face.

" So Harry, now that Hazel's here-" I said waving Hazel over. She waddled over and sat on my lap. "Can I date your sister?" I said, as Hazel gave him the puppy dog face.

"Fine, but no snogging while I'm around." Harry said rolling his eyes, but adding a smile.

"No promises" Hazel winked at me before standing back up.

She pulled Harry up by his shirt collar.

"You hurt Shannon and I will kick you a-"

"Bum!" I said making her giggle.

"I won't." He said before she pulled him into a hug.






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