Teenage Pregnancy

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Since the day of our scheduled ultra sound, I haven't seen or heard from Outlaw. I tried calling him and he never answered  my calls, i've texted him over million times and still no answer. I was beginning to think that our relationship was over, and then I heard the news that hunted me every night, I heard the words that broke my heart and confused my mind. I built up the courage to go to Outlaw's house to find out why he ditched me for weeks. As I approached his yard his sister Reds came to the car as I got out.

Vashti-"hey what's up, I came to see Outlaw"

Reds-"hey, oh he's not here"

Vashti-"okay, do you know where he went?"

Reds-"I think he went by his girlfriend"

What is she talking about, I am his girlfriend, she knows me, and she knows that I am pregnant for Outlaw. Her words were clear, he had clearly moved on.

Vashti-"okay thanks, see you later'

Reds-"wait, do you want to leave a message for him?"

Vashti-"no thanks"

I jumped back into the car, and as I sat down I felt my eyes getting heavy, they burned from the tears I was holding back. I was so hurt that the world wasn't making any sense to me, I was on earth but my mind was in another world. I went back to my moms place and packed my clothes up, gathered my documents and planned a trip. I didn't know where I was gonna go but I know that I just had to leave. if I don't get off this island, I'm gonna lose my mind.

Later that night, I got dressed for the Club. I wasn't going out to drink or anything, but I jus had to get out of the house to clear my mind. When I was done getting ready, I went outside to sit on the front porch and wait on my ride. As I got outside, I met Outlaw parked in the front yard. He came out of car and came on the porch to talk to me. I was looking hot, I had on my little black dress that was fitted to my curves and reached just above my knees, with my black pumps and silver accessories, my hair was curly and pulled back in a semi pony tail with a bang that fell over one of my eyes.

Outlaw-"what you saying?"

Vashti-"everything cool, I ain't hear from you in a minute"

Outlaw-"yeah I was caught up, I was thinking about you so I came to see how you and the baby are doing"

Vashti-"we good"

Outlaw-"you look nice, you mind if I ask where you going"

Vashti-"Thanks, its girls night out"

Outlaw-"oh, you need a ride or someone coming for you?"

Vashti-"I straight, my ride coming"

Outlaw-"okay, so when I nourish my seed again"

Vashti-"you don't have to worry bout that, it's your seed but someone else watering the plant"

Although I was lying, I wanted him to feel how I felt....hurt. He laughed and walked away.

I was melting inside while we were talking but I didnt want him to know that I still had serious feelings for him. I am so in love with him that I wanted to cry when he walked away. Watching him pull off just caused my heart to drop. My chest felt heavy and my eyes started to tear up, but I had to remember that he had moved on and so should I. I didn't go out anymore, for reason I felt empty inside, like a part of me was missing. As the days went by, I started feeling depressed, I was always emotional and anytime I thought about Outlaw, I would break down and cry. I had another check up at the clinic and they told me to stop streesing because I'm stressing out the baby, and it can cause complication when I go into labor. They gave me a paper to go to the hospital to do a scan so that they can tell me the sex of the baby. After I left the clinic I went straight to the hospital to get my scan done. As I reached the hospital, I saw my cousin Big D, I told her I came to do my scan and she asked to join me, and I told her to come. I really wanted Outlaw to be there but he had his girlfriend and I didn't want to interfere with his life so I just carried on. When we got to the ultrasound room, I handed the paper to the lady and she told me to drink some water and come back in fifteen minutes. After I did that, she called me into the room, seen as how it was my first time, I was kind of nervous but I had my cousin there to support me. The doctor poured a blue liquid gel on my stomach and then she use the machine to rub the gel round my stomach. I looked at the screen and saw our baby. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I could hear the baby heartbeat and see it moving around, I couldn't wait to hear what the sex was. The doctor asked me...

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