Song Preference-Unfaithful.

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Harry- "The clouds are rolling in,

Because I'm gone again, 

And to him I just can't be true."

You climb out of bed quietly, slowly walking to your closet to throw on a sweatshirt and some yoga pants. Walking out of your closet you close the door ever so careful not to make a noise. You throw your hair into a pony tail as you look at Harry one last time, almost considering crawling back into bed, but then you remember Chris is waiting for you at the end of the street. You slide on your rain boots to protect you from the saddening weather, writing a note to Harry saying you're out shopping- Though shopping isn't what you have on your agenda for the day.

Zayn- "I feel it in the air,

As I'm doing my hair, 

Preparing for another date."

You're in the bathroom curling your hair when you feel a chill in the room, noticing the pressence of Zayn. "Where are you off to?" He asks you in a confused tone. "My cousins." You answer, almost too monotonely to be believable. Zayn nods, not wanting to look into this further. If only he knew though, that his girlfriend of two years was preparing herself for a date with a different man just like she did last weekend, and the weekend before that, and many more weekends to come.

Niall- "And I know that he knows

I'm Unfaithful,

And it kills him inside

To know that I am happy

With some other guy."

"Someone looks awfully tired out for spending her afternoon at home." Niall greets you when he walks into the house, noticing you sitting on the couch with droopy eyes. "I wasn't home all day, I got some errands done." You mutter. "Oh? What errands did you have to do?" Niall asks skeptically, raising an eyebrow. "Just things." You respond. "That's what I thought." He nods, walking off into the kitchen saddened with your answer. "Ni? What's wrong?" You ask, nervousness taking over you as you think he might have finally figured out where you go almost everyday he's at work. "Nothing dear, nothing at all. Unless there's something that should be wrong...?" He answers minutes later walking back into the living room with a bowl of chips. "No." You sigh. "Nothing should be wrong." You tell him, thinking of the wrongful doing of yours a mere two hours ago.

Louis- "Just hanging with the girls,

a lie I didn't have to tell. 

Because we both know,

Where I'm about to go,

And we know it very well."

"Hey Lou, I've got to head out in about an hour. The girls want to meet up at this club a few towns away." You lie to Louis as you meet him in your bedroom, joining him on the bed. "Well can I come with you?" He asks, putting down the book he was reading. "Sorry babe, just the girls." You give him a sad smile before your phone goes off, indicating a text message. You quickly check it, locking your phone once you see who it was from. "Who was that?" Louis asks. "Just the girls, relax. You act like I'm cheating on you or something." You laugh, a laugh all too easy for Louis to see through. "No, no that'd never happen. Have fun with To- I mean, have fun with the girls." Louis says once you get off the bed, bringing up the man you've been seeing behind his back.

Liam- "A kiss upon my cheek,

As he reluctantly,

Asks if I'm gonna be out late."

You're in your closet preparing for your date tonight, stuck between a black dress or a red one. You decide the black one, putting it on and attempting to zip it before giving up and going to get Liam to do it. "Hey Liam, can you zip me up?" You ask him, standing by the doorway to the kitchen where he's making tea. "Sure." He nods, walking behind you to get your zipper. Once he zips it up, he kisses your cheek instead of lips as to not get your lip gloss on him, then he turns you around so you're facing him. "So um, how- how late will you be back?" He asks reluctantly, assuming he already knows the answer. "Probably until three, the usual time. You know how my friends are. Such party animals they are." You tell him, looking him in the eyes seeing pain, pain that could only be caused by having his love mess around with someone else.

A/N My laptops broken so no updates for awhile I'm sorry I'll see what I can do.

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